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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. That's better, Rome wasn't built in a day and I would prefer for things to tick over smoothly rather than rush things. Why don't you (now that the ZedShed is empty) to tidy up, okay ask Bob to tidy up as he's VERY good at that. Give your tools a clean, have a break for a bit and have a chat with your other half as she's bound to have missed you for the last six months
  2. I think its more like waiting for the projectionist to change the reel ...... and I have run out of popcorn (showing your age there mate with a projectionist)
  3. Just not good enough Chris, with an episode such as this you can't just say nothing. That's like missing 15 minutes of a film
  4. ^^^ exactly that, I would check with Abbey or the like first for fitment but I don't think there'd be an issue.
  5. Resonator or not? Heading the XYZ way me thinks I was recommended by Abbey to take the Race Cat (singular which I guess is high flow) and then some Japspeed De-cats. This allows me to pass at MOT time. So I didn't have a choice about a resonator. To be fair, I have no rasp. Although Japspeed are known for being poor quality, they couldn't really get test pipes wrong I'll be honest and say it's one of the best mods on the car, apart from the MREV 2, love the sound once you hit 3k+ and that's with an oem exhaust. I'm contemplating replacing the back section for a Motordyne TDX 2 it's that good On a side note.... Coming to Wales this year ?? EDIT** (Now with Pic - where you'll see the race cat as they call it, in place of what could have been a resonator or straight pipe)
  6. +1 on the Motordyne - never had an issue with it, sounds mental, performs superb - nil complaints what so ever! (I've had mine on the car now for - heck - 12 to 16 months now I think )
  7. Cheers (See how the Red looks instead of Carbon)
  8. and only allow people with 3L and above cars to go on it, with no speed limits. the longest circular track in the world. I'd be more than happy with that arrangement
  9. +1,000,000 on the middle lane driver In Berlin trucks are not allowed to overtake in rush hour. Bring that here and we shall all save 1 hr of our lives. I was driving down the A34 towards Newbury from Oxford. A police car was following me and had done so for about 30 mins. Both driving just a smidging over the speed limit. We come across 3 trucks on a dual carriageway. Truck 3 overtakes truck 2 and 1. Truck 2 (now at the back) wants to overtake truck 1 (now in the middle), oh and sod it he now wants to overtake the other truck. No word of a lie, this must have taken 10-15mins and about 10 mile of road. Now the copper didn't batter and eyelid. All 3 trucks were doing the same speed bar 1 or 2 mile an hour. What was the point of their actions, they're all limited by speed for god sake, just drive and stop blocking UK Highways you pillocks!!
  10. Those blasted gremlins I knew they'd show their face. There's still a fair amount to do then before the dyno runs
  11. Wasso

    Stillen video

    Very nice Will, looking forward to seeing Rosie @ Wales
  12. Good luck Chris hope there aren't any silly gremlins that may get in the way of what you're aiming for. Most annoying when you've spent a load of time and effort for the major goal only to be held up by stupid issues. Wish you all best and fingers crossed everything goes as smoothly as possible see I wasn't that
  13. I was going to say what the hell has a SLK got to do with a 370z Good choice in colour, looks great
  14. Go and let his bike tires down Ha ha now that is a good one
  15. Thank god, just beat him 5-4 Playing Southampton against his Man Utd. I'll let him win the next one
  16. To make matters worse he's asked for another game, I'm almost tempted to say no way Jose you little git!! Thing is he was rubbish up until 12 months ago and now he's walking all over me. He's just said "fancy another thrashing" what do you do in these situations
  17. Beaten wasn't the word, bleeding thrashed, humiliation I used to be the nuts with FIFA all those years ago but now the new generation kids are flippin awesome. Anyone want a PS3 I've had enough now
  18. I wouldn't suggest parking on the grid - might look a little odd.
  19. I would have asked Miss BJ for a sample
  20. Loeb probably signed the dashboard or something
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