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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Agreed it'll need some work, it could have been a hell of a lot worse. At least it fits and needs minor adjustments here and there. I guess it all depends on how much cash needs to be injected into fixing. Then as per your other thread the cost of painting. I was really surprised that my copy V2 fitted hassle free, and that the chargespeed costing 4 times as much needed work.
  2. The only sound worse, is that of a wheel scraping a curb I remember the sound very well whilst doing 30 and lost control in the ice and slammed and mounted the curb in a tunnel. Thought I'd lost the whole side of the car. The noise was horrendous. Never again do I want to hear that sound again
  3. Wasso

    JAE pic

    That wouldn't be SMD would it behind the grey shirt. Pretty sure that's not Sarah's car.
  4. Interesting option..... I shall see what things look like once I add my recent acquisitions. I fear a tuck will be needed, but options to cover/wrap the oem cables in something more pleasing may be an alternative.
  5. I'll have a carbon engine cover AND slam panel up for grabs within a couple of days. Both are red carbon. Excellent condition and perfect fit.
  6. Thing is the looms are damn ugly. Stick a bit of bling in the engine bay and the look is scuppered from the oem looms. I may just cover them like envy did if it's going to be a nuisance.
  7. Just think of poor Keyser who would have to repost all his pictures from the daily update. Good idea though a forum gathering
  8. Do t worry I wont go as far as just leaving shiny bits in the engine. Don't forget this is a G, so it's tidy in the first place. But, the wiring looms on the Zed just get flopped over the suspension strut and across the face of the engine. I just want to remove some of the uglyness from the bay. Here's what Envy did to their car back in the day (can't think of his name) and he just slid hosing over the loom. Wow that much no wonder people have a go DIY. Cheers for the input on that one The order is on temporary hold at the mo with me not working (made redundant in Feb) so just being careful at the mo. in addition it's Jayne's 40th at the end of the month and we have a holiday and celebrations over the next two weeks so I'll need a small mortgage just to keep my head above the water. I'm sure I won't need to dip into my savings but need to be on the safe side. There's no rush as long as its done by mid summer.
  9. After making a recent purchase from a chap who has a G in America he mentioned having a wire tuck. I've done some reading up on it and a few guys have done this on the DIY in the US with a guide. Here's my inspiration.... Now, my reservations with a wire tuck (exampled above) is that I don't want to inherit electrical issues, or risk of wires potentially melting from being tucked. Does anyone know of someone who has done this on a Zed in the UK or on other cars. What issues could I face, is it potentially a garage job or easy enough to do DIY? Thoughts?
  10. Yeah for sure. And I'd say your car is the beast in both looks and sound ,mine is still work in progress, wheels, SC amongst the larger jobs to be done.
  11. I was running 30mm but couldn't cope with scraping my front lip everywhere. I guess America doesn't have speed bumps?
  12. BIG Like Awaits invite for video of my own Zed
  13. Good job Chris didn't being that it was a nurse. But still consideration when parking wouldn't go a miss.
  14. Why is it the Zed always looks amazing in America. Those rims suit the Zed well - good find
  15. I personally have loved my motordyne XYZ pipe and decats. Keeping the oem backbox, the sound is almost stock under 2k but put your foot to the floor and it howls!! I'm looking to organise a meet soon and was contemplating placing it logistically between east and west midlands. Hopefully with creating a greater audience there's bound to be a number of exhaust options for listening to. It will either be the weekend before Wales or the weekend after.
  16. It sounds like Beavis or Buthead can't remember which, has a new voice?? It sounds different?
  17. Beavis and Buthead new series (probably a repeat) on MTV tomorrow night
  18. Hmmmm I think somebody needs a doctor! As well as that tool talking about poop!
  19. Each cylinder will read how much compression the chamber holds. You'll know when theres a significant problem when one cylinder shows a large percentage difference. At the end of the day they should all generate the same compression throughout each chamber. If not and as I say a significant difference you'll know there's a problem. I had mine compression tested and bore scoped and all was within tolerance and clean.
  20. I can't do it, I've lost my shins!!
  21. You could even roll it if you get a few locals to help out. Funny thing is the owner would be that dumb to join in rolling out the way!
  22. WOW Crongrats fella and hope mum a little one are well. Good on ya Nice pic too
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