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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. I think the 'new' platinum pro is a direct swap, the others piggyback. Cheers Neil, yes V3, but plans are on hold until I get a new job as I was made redundant in Feb and finding new work is a joke. Will probably be working in London and have a telephone interview Tue so fingers crossed. Thing is I still need new rims too, oh and Motordyne back box. So that lot will be roughly $7,600 - so I can't afford to be spending without full time work
  2. The biggest UpRev tuner in America who tunes umpteen Zeds with UpRev advised I go Haltech with my SC build. Not writing off UpRev but Haltech has more flexibility. This is not the first tuner that has recommended Haltech, and seeing the considerable differences with Neil's build I can't see any reason why one shouldn't be installed. Neil was dyno'd using a Hub Dyno exactly the same as Abbey. Neil has less air mods than me and still blew my NOS dyno out the water. Uprev is great for NA but FI UpRev doesn't have a bean on a piggyback. Ask the best tuners out there.
  3. that's Will Hope you flashed him to move him out the middle lane
  4. Assuming that you have a DE rather than a rev-up, the MREV 2 does nothing on the early cars - its designed for 06+ cars +1 that man
  5. Why do people find it so funny to destroy cars. Why don't we tie a rope round one of their testicles and attach the other end to a car and drive off. Would they still be laughing. Funny but why they find it so funny is beyond me?
  6. I've started doing my throttle body, and the easy parts have come up a treat and only took 5 mins as I've purchased everything you can dream of for polishing. Drill, Dremel, polishing machine, mops, mini mops, micro mops, abrasive bits for the drill and Dremel and a wealth of varying wet and dry sand paper. Oh and 3 compounds for the polishing mops cut, medium and shine. The plenum will take you a long time. My first one took nearly 40 hours, but now have it down to about 16hrs. Be careful with te throttle body as it obviously contains sensitive components. I will potentially be selling polished throttle bodies in the future. Wet and dry is fine, but the polishing wheel does a great job.
  7. Funny thing is it was unpolished for two years and never thought to clean her up. Makes a massive difference. I polish anything these days, even our cat shines now
  8. I've already made investigations to obtain a replacement timing cover get it polished and fit. The timing cover is problematic, mainly due to the intricate moulding. It can be done but will take a VERY long time. The finish won't be that great either. I will have mine proffesionaly polished due to the hassle. If you're looking for a plenum or oem strut polished or anything else I can do it for you. Polished Plenum viewtopic.php?f=38&t=59850 Polished Strut viewtopic.php?f=38&t=60698 Example of my ARC box I decided to polish recently, turned out a treat. Before After
  9. Real nice, but then I like polished items nowadays
  10. I use Adrian Flux, been with them since purchasing the Zed two and a half years ago. Been great for me and if you add exterior or interior mods the price doesn't increase. They basically insure you for the power mods. They also provide European cover and a plethora of other additional insurance add on's. If The other two don't pan out try Flux
  11. Wow Dave real nice pics May as well with this weather eh Just realised I've never posted in here, to be fair I need a really nice pic with the level of quality already posted
  12. i thought it was because you got banned from another site so set your own one up? and to be fair you've done a good job I heard Chesterfield was a Husky on the 'other' forum! I have to say it's really healthy to see this thread has developed how it has. I think like Neil said we need some more voices and suggestions. I agree that what Chesterfield says about paying for forums, it would distract some of the audience and at the end of the day the major events work very well without superior funding. This forum is simple, friendly and resourceful. Not only that but a large number of people are now friends outside of the forum. You can't ask for more than that!
  13. No way Jose, that's real bad. You'll both be missed Have a great holiday though
  14. No probs Liam. I'll for sure drop you a message. Wow Mr G that's pretty neat, and fair cop to Will. Anyone want to borrow a fiver and turn it into Whiskey (don't worry I'll be investing heavily in Wales for Whiskey )
  15. Nice one Graham Edit: I think me and Jayne will be putting a bit more into the kitty this year with the prize list this year (we will get tickets at the meal)
  16. That's great Liam, just shows you're a nice chap after all Might also have a chat soon about a mortgage too. We already have a superb financial advisor who's purchased two properties for us, but healthy to see what you could maybe offer to the table. We'd live to go with a self build project but land is a friggin issue. When I finally know what I'm doing work wise we'll have a better understanding of plans
  17. You know what I'm going to say Chris
  18. Yep, and +1 on yours too Pete +1 on yours Pete, or is that +1 on Sarnie, or Biscuit
  19. Found them Kranson Forged Klassic 20" They are still for sale @ $3,200 with tyres - although stretched. I think white on white is pretty cool
  20. I saw a 370 on my350 with white aftermarket rims and thought oooooh I like. Now, the oem 370 rims I like in the style they were made as they show depth and definition. Put painting the oem's white for me doesn't do it. Had they been aftermarket I'd say WIN. I'll see if I can dig out the pic of the 370
  21. Wow had dinner and 6 pages appear, Neil have you got a new laptop and making sure it works? I agree with what mods and the boss are saying. The way things are seem to work well. They're all from different walks of life and will on many occasions argue amongst themselves in resolving difficult situations, such as policies, mods, regional organisers and amongst the main issues problematic members. I recall when Greekman was banned from events and I tried to fight his corner to attend a Nurburgring trip. Now I don't condone his actions in Wales but he took it on the chin and accepted his ban. The nurburgring trip would have fallen just prior to the expiry of his ban. The mods did not just point blank say no he's not permitted and would discuss. It was a few days before I heard back, but was informed of the amount of discussion which had taken place and that after serious consideration it would be unfair to shorten the already provided ban. It paves the way to ensure events are safe and respectful. So from this I am totally for the current mods, they work well together and take appropriate action where necessary. Would I feel different if they were all based in Ireland, no, Wales or Scotland it doesn't really matter. We all know Beavis can throw his toys out the pram but to be fair it's kinda funny sometimes and brings character to the team. Does Lexx appear to get short with people, probably yeah, but he sorts out the trolls and potential arguments. I like the fluid selection of members and the hand picked mods. If they weren't hand picked who knows what would happen. There's another forum just like ours, which is chargeable, and from what I have been informed whether true or not doesn't have half as much activity as this forum. If you're passionate for change pm Chris and put your suggestions to him. I'm sure if there's something which the forum could make use of it will be discussed and applied if necessary. Like I say with the mixed bag selection of mods we have I have faith the right decision will be made. To note on the for sale thread issue, why not have sub mods which only deal with for sale threads. Pick say 4-6 members in the UK who purely manage the for sale threads.
  22. You don't have to be nominated as a organiser to create a meet. Look at Graham, organised a stunning meet without any backup from the forum. I see what you're saying about mods, maybe have another welsh and scots to the list to try and even things out. If you feel you're getting a hard bargain come and live in England Don't forget mod selection is very difficult. Theres a large criteria needed to ensure the boat stays afloat without disruption?
  23. That video Beavis is EPIC Is that something done ages ago, as to script and supply the text from when Neil posted would be super fast! I agree that regional meets should be kept vibrant and interesting. Maybe have a section to vote in/out every six months. I wouldn't say there's a imbalance as such between England Scotland and Wales at all? Look at the Lakez last year, a roaring success and glad I could finally meet those north of the border. In addition there will always be differences between nationalities, from those on the south coast to those far north in Scotland there's a fair distance. Cultures are different but we all speak the same language, well nearly At the end of the day we're all different and whether you are a member, organiser, mod or admin we shall all be respectful to each other. There's times when things get out of hand and to be fair it's probably a wise idea to have a mixed mod team to iron out difficult decisions and make resolutions where necessary. I'll be honest and say that I'm surprised you see a difference between the north and south that has generated this thread?
  24. It really needs the Alloys and the paint fixing so once that's done I'll shout you for a Duo Zed Shoot
  25. I think historically there's been more than 50, which why they now cap the event at 50. My first outing May 10 was nearly a full house, but when you combine the +1's it makes for a great weekend. For me it gets better every year, but the weather hasn't - so lets hope the next 3 weeks it can rain as much as it wants as long as it stops and the sun shines for Wales.
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