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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. RUN FOR THE HILLS Twobears ....ruuuuuuuuuuun The most modded probably have the most pics because of the varying stages of transformation they go through. Or me with endless 'gave the car a wash.....heres 25000 pictures' threads. That reminds me, must update my thread. Keysers is probably the most pictured zed build ever!!
  2. Good show to ALL who donated and worked hard to raise some cash for a worthy cause (4+ hours of continued snow foaming) and only 2 pints of Carling during the session. I have to say some of the prizes were extremely generous, I was lucky enough to win a prize despite spending £50 on raffle tickets, but it was worth it even if I wasn't a lucky winner. Well done to the winners and the sponsors.
  3. I use the RAYS duraluminum which is aircraft grade aluminium. Had MANY a spirited drive with them and never had a problem. They don't come in gold though I'm afraid.
  4. brilliant I actually saw Mr Potatozed in the bar, but wasn't sure. Great shot of Will ducking out the way, well nearly
  5. You know when you get that tingle and smile...... Nice You'll notice right at the end of the vid after Bennett pollutes Electric Mountain, you can hear me apologising in the background for the noise abuse
  6. I'm gonna watch it again it's THAT GOOD Really shows the spirit of Wales.
  7. Great vid Tim, you should be employed to the forum full time
  8. Very nice vid Chris, captures some great memories. It's all over now boooo hoooo hooooo sob Favourite quote from the weekend.... "SORRY WE'RE CLOSED, CLOSED, NO FUEL, WE'RE CLOSED!!!"
  9. How strange, pic has changed This is me
  10. I am still hung over to be fair, going to bed very soon to recover on the late nights and copious amounts of booze. This is my other half (one in the middle)
  11. To be fair you got away lightly, it was me that was picked on, after Jayne told me today a trick they played on me. Went out for a smoke, come back and instantly told we're playing 'Give us a clue' they begin with saying its now my go and they've already had a couple of games. So I begin playing and miming my first TV programme, they all start laughing. It turns out they hadn't been playing and just got me to stand up and play :lol: Don't worry Jayne suffered this morning more than I did
  12. Oi dont even think about touching my spark plugs!!!!
  13. Looks smart Luke, agreed the TB needs doing and they will be on my next polishing list
  14. Here we go, no cars in these pics I'm afraid. Party night!! Now.... we all know how hard Darren worked over the weekend. Not just with the lead drives, but transporting raffle prizes and working in harmony with the rest of the team to raise well over £1,000 for charity.... All this hard work deserves a rest, and to be fair I don't blame him. Sorry mate but it just shows how hard you've worked. (PS The pillow was donated by Adrian as he felt without the pillow you'd bang your head on the booze!)
  15. That sounds a bit close for comfort mate, trust me no abusing occurred. I can't recall what prize 14 was to be honest, but all the prizes were great and was by far the best forum raffle!! (Pics just uploading)
  16. ^^^^ don't worry there's other people in the shot as well (just found a couple of iPhone pics too ) Great night last night
  17. I can put anyone in touch interested with headlight lighting in America. He's not cheap but does full systems and bespoke lighting arrangements.
  18. thanks Graham, nearly recovered but had the shock of my life this morning whilst saying goodbye's I'll return the favour one day
  19. No worries, here to help and a shame there's a fair few miles
  20. I have engine bay cleaning as part of my 2 day package. So I'm sure other detailers will offer the service.
  21. Well ANOTHER successful weekend in Wales it was a horrible feeling this morning (was it the hangover ) because we left Wales and it was all over again for another year. The weekend has been truly spectacular, from the organisation of the drives, the creativeness of new roads along with the lunch in Betwsy. A huge thank you to Colin for keeping all us lunatics in control, well apart from one loose wire (Bennett ). All who have contributed to Wales, ChrisS, Graham, Will, Darren, James have done a grand job, you guys make Wales all that bit better. Oh and thanks Darren for some mental drives, thoroughly enjoyed although Jayne is a little shaken not stirred. Also a big well done for Chesterfield, it was just the other day our site was inactive and back in time for Wales. Top show and superb dedication. I'm sure the fresh Wales attendees enjoyed what is the best event on the calendar. I sincerely hope we can have a continued interest from new and older members for the future. We finally arrived home about an hour ago, and hate the feeling it'll be 12 months till the next. Meeting new and old friends, socialising, enjoying the spirited drives and laughing the night away. This year I didn't take any photos what so ever, probably from being so busy. Although I have a special picture from last nights party in our room (sorry if we kept anyone awake last night). So from me and Jayne, well done to all who organised and made our weekend one that we will always remember. Here's to many more to come Hope to see you all again very soon
  22. Retire early that sounds about right! 2 nights on the trot and "I'm going to bed" hope you're going to party tomorrow night cos we have 6 bottles of wine that need drinking!!!
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