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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Wow a lot has been going on since my last view..... Really nice to see fellow zedders assisting with the progression path of Pristine Detailing, never expected to receive such responses, funny thing is I only wanted to say thanks to the guys in the brochure, and now I have a Guru for business, brochure development, suggestions and ideas. It's bleeding epic!! Cheers everyone - really appreciated. Okay here's where we're at. The font I have been using is Danube It's a small file, I have both the zipped and normal but will still send the zipped. (Cheers Mike) The problem I have see example below, is that my business cards use the same font (yet to change my website from a Digi Face font). It's no fuss updating my website, although I've still got 150'ish business cards with the danube font. So I either need to shift these cards pronto to make way for a new font, or tweak the existing font? To be fair I quite like the first one off the list you posted. Interesting also to see everyone else's opinions on the fonts too. Haydn, I'm liking the suggestion, I was actually thinking once it had been printed that "Call Now!" looked a bit cheesy! Having 2 or 3 would be a good idea, I suppose I need to get the first one right I guess the £40 was a test bed... Any further suggestions or ideas from Zed folk please post away, really impressed with comments and suggestions. Thanks MrT - had a look at that typeface, very nice, clean and simple. Although I'm a fussy barsterward and want to be awkward and chose a font that's complicated and fancy. But I'm liking Mike's suggestions.... All I need now is somebody to sort out my SEO on my website..... (anyone?) In fact I'll create a thread specific on that one!
  2. I propper LOL'd at Ed Scissor hands
  3. Will told me the full story last night, it's problem after problem by the sounds of things, but when he told me Nissan had sold the car which I just couldn't believe his problems could stoop THAT low. I'd personally be writing to Nissan HQ, cancel that - I'd ask Ricey to write a nice polite but pursuasive letter to HQ reporting the garage and the ongoing issues. It's beyond a joke!! I feel for you mate I really do, extremely frustrating and we're behind you on this mate. And dealerships wonder why we don't use them. I got quoted recently £27 for 8 copper washers, I told him where to shove them, especially when he said " we shall need to order them in" In fact save writing Will I'd ring HQ and ask to speak with the most senior person in HQ and demand some answers and resolutions that provide you with a working car. I'm mad for you - seriously
  4. Nice one Dave that would be perfect. Mike, I don't have the name of the font to hand, but have it on the computer at home. I'll send over the info if you could assist or improve typefaces I'd be most grateful. I wanted something modern but not too difficult to read. Cheers
  5. I'd presume somebody in America with the 'Sprint Nextel' network and the price in dollars?
  6. I have just started a 2 month contract for Aston Uni, although soon as a week comes up when the weather is dry I'll be working with those interested to do the tour. 2 more people are interested so I have the week filled, just need the weather really. Unless client sites have a suitable shelter. Sooner rarer than later is my outlook.
  7. not the thing with the soapy toad? Mate that looks absolutely ace. Are we talking 40 quid for 1??? nah the slippery snake Cheers matey Yes a big fat whopping £40, it's not cheap, maybe I could have gotten it a little cheaper but the finish is excellent. It was actually reviewed on the Gadget show, rated very well for quality, ease of use and overall package. At the end of the day if it earns a sale it's paid for itself, so long term it should prove to be a valuable piece of marketing. It will only be used to promote my work whilst marketing to potential customers. It can be very difficult to describe the results and sometimes pictures speak louder than words, which is why the main pages have minimal text. We shall see how it performs in the next couple of weeks.
  8. Well can you Adam and Eve it!! That'll be me Indian Dream is one of our favourite haunts, Superb service and great juicy chunks of chicken. Small world eh I regularly chat with Kamal about his Supra and likewise with mine. We normally have a curry from there pretty much every other Saturday
  9. Cheers everyone for the positive comments, agreed the location shots aren't the greatest, but it keeps the attraction onto the vehicle, so probably best have boring background mrt - you've already got my brain thinking into overdrive and I hope to venture out within the next couple weeks to transform a weekend business into a full time business. Already got a mate of mine talking to his mate who is an editor for a magazine, might be relevant maybe not but we shall see. Sorry Chris I can't really market humans as part of the business, but thanks for appearing as a special guest. oh yes we need to chat. Mids meet this weekend, the Grasshopper meet weekend following and Lakez the weekend after that, then I should have a weekend free, maybe meet for lunch and beer? Seriously though thanks for the positive feedback, it was my first attempt so I can't complain. I'll see if I can get the correction done FOC if not its two books
  10. The polished area and paint is fully coated with lacquer to avoid rusting. So technically a long time.
  11. No problem and thanks It was a pleasure to apply a colour that doesn't run normal with Nissan - and for me stands out and looks the part No problem, just give me a nod when you're ready. Colour is no problem in terms of selection. Provide me with a colour code which can be obtained from Halfords and it can be done. I'll also be throwing in for all future struts a free of charge "Polished NutZ" service. Before ANYONE puts a wise crack on here - that's strut NutZ!
  12. Thanks both and thanks Will for the call. I'm a little bamboozled, the software has spell checker and I ensured every page was checked. It never threw any errors, or I never spotted that word underlined. The Mrs has just come up with a good idea, use that one for throwing around with me, correct the album and get another copy for business presentation. Really annoyed as apart from that it's flippin perfect. Just make sure the package spots speeeeling mistaks! Ahhhhhhh You can't fault the quality that's for sure.
  13. I cut bot the lawns at the front and then it rained so I've not managed the back as yet, and at the moment it's like a forest!!
  14. Fitted strut for dra1975 Looks very smart
  15. Thanks all - I was rather apprehensive mainly because I'm useless at design and when you do these web things, you really never know how it's going to turn out once it arrives. I have to say I'm more than impressed with how it's turned out. The page quality is brilliant. Okay so it cost £40, but that cost is irrelevant if it generates potential business. I obtained mine via Abelli Photo Books. You download a bit of software and build your book. There's lots to muck around with and very intuitive to use. As I say it's turned out better than I imagined so it's now time to start some marketing and generate some sales pitches.
  16. A quick breakdown of my posts - 2478 - 3852 - taking the pee out of (delete as applicable) zugara / doogyrev / glrnet / will370z / darren-b / any moderator or admin 1032 - I.C.E. or interior related as it is something I can actually do 638 - trying to be helpful posts ( of which 12 were actually factually correct ) Haha that wouldn't be too far from the truth though eh. Well done to you both..... now grab your jacket and wallet and get out more!
  17. Class!! Mother and father in law may even lend a hand with further cleaning or mechanics....
  18. To the customers who have received detailing services from me, and now appear in my swanky hardback glossy brochurrrrrrre! (That's posh for Brochure) Your pictures of your car will be used as material to capture future business for Pristine Detailing. With personal thanks to.... Coldel Slim Jim Husky Slim Jim's father ScottyZ Here's some pics..... What do you think?
  19. Wasso

    The Start

    Either spray the silver panel or vinyl wrap it. Removal of the rear plastics. 1. Remove plastic strips at the bottom by driver and passenger door that hold the rubber seal in place. 2. Behind the driver and passenger seats remove quarter panels. 3. Remove behind driver and passenger seat the full plastic section full width of the car (you will need to detach the cig lighter and unbolt sections of the passenger cubby and remove BOSE sub cover if you have one) 4. The section above speakers can now be removed
  20. Good show Mr G, that looks better than OEM! At least it'll cure any blind spots.
  21. Thanks Mark Dave Epic I have to say. Where can I buy one of those
  22. I watched it on the iphone :wink: Thanks Dave, very helpful. Maybe a solution on the horizon?
  23. Any chance of a iPhone friendly version of whatever it is?
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