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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. I have original springs and shocks in a box Depends on what you'd fetch for the BC's + the cost for alignment and fitting.
  2. I thought of you when I put this up!
  3. Wasso

    Random test

    From the album: Wasso's random photo upload

    A Pic of my engine bay showing the fruits of my polishing!
  4. Wasso

    Wasso's random photo upload

    Cos I can.... ha ha!
  5. Nothing on my mind, but just thought I'd enter something in here to see what it does?

    1. AK350Z


      It lets people comment on your mind spasms!

    2. Wasso
  6. I was also advised not to expose the scar to the sun. Not that we get the sun, but if so, make sure you slap on loads of sunblock otherwise the UV will kill the scar tissue and won't repair as well as it should. And NO I'm not polishing staples which are in your head
  7. Funny you say that. After my accident, I was asked to sit down, obviously. I wanted a smoke, which wasn't permited inside their bar, so I sat outside. Up comes a fire engine????? My brain obviously a bit dazed couldn't work out why I'd want a fire engine?? So they all step out of their vehicle and I recall one of them saying "Hey man, I can see your skull" - yeah cheers for that. Guess what turns up after the fire engine..... a Police Car Right, so I'm injured and they think the most suitable forms of emergency service in order of prefference is Fire Engine then Police Car. So the copper then looks at my skull, confirming what the fire engine bloke said. Finally an Ambulance turns up.... but get this..... The copper says, don't go in the Ambulance they will charge you a fortune! Being drunk I didn't have a clue what the difference was between the 3 vehicles as I was dazed with blue flashing lights! So I'm being escorted into the Police car with my mate, whilst holding a white towel against my profusely bleeding head and delivered to the hospital. I only remember being there for about 30 mins, but apparently we were there 5 hours? The reason my bills were so expensive. Visit to A&E - doctor, surgeon, and admin staff costs Leave A&E and collapse on the floor - provided with loan wheel chair £££ Get back to house and fall down the stairs (mates think I'm just drunk and can't walk) Next day still can't walk so we go back down the hospital Reception £££ Doctor £££ Consultant £££ MRI Scan £££ CAT Scan £££ Finally diagnosed with Groin injury Oh and then to add to it I had to purchase the crutches, but received a refund for the wheel chair!! Funny thing is.... I had to tell the insurance company it was a skiing accident, as they wouldn't have insured me for being drunk beyond belief!!
  8. Ouch! At least you found the forum I did the same kinda thing in Denver Colorado in 2001. Went skiing for 10 days and decided to take a day out so we went to a snooker bar. Got VERY drunk and decided to pretend to be Jackie Chan for the afternoon. Probably because we watched one of his movies the night before. Decided that jumping off a plateaux style bar whilst in Jackie Chan pose flying through the air but then smacked the front of my head on the lower section of roof in the lounge/entrance area, dropped to the floor smacked the back of my head on the steps below, groin injury and 13 stitches to my head. 4 inside and 9 outside. Stayed awake the whole time but didn't feel a thing I was that drunk. Chatted up the nurses, fell out the hospital bed I was still that drunk. Then got back to the house we were staying at and fell down 6 steps heading to the bedroom whilst on crutches. Cost me £3000 in medical bills. Good job I had insurance!! So next time I see ya we'll have to compare scars
  9. What level of tint is that by the way?
  10. Nice garage, any of that lot up for sale?
  11. When you said where is good for service, I find that Legs Eleven normally fairly good.
  12. Have a chat with RT performance, Taras was selling his, but currently wrapped white. (One of the traders on here - or search google for RT performance)
  13. Doesn't engine flush cause more issues than resolve them? By dragging up all the sh1t from the engine then passing it through sensitive electronics as such?
  14. Now put that ruler in your bosses drawer. DARE DARE DARE DARE FORUM DARE!!!!
  15. Wasso

    Spoiler Help

    Have a chat with NeilP as he's going for that kind of spoiler for tracking.
  16. That just doesn't sound right mate... Camp out like a man? Isn't that a contradiction
  17. Aye Aye fail on that me lad. Need a longer ruler, physics will then take over. What you need to do is have someone capturing the falling sh1t as it heads to the pavement. Could be £200 in it from You've Been Framed
  18. As Del Boy would say..... "You know it makes sense bruv"
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