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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. I'm not sure Alex would have one TBH?
  2. Cheers Mr G a shame you can't make it, just hope the showers are at least warm rather than freezing cold
  3. May as well be considering the sh1te weather to be expected @ the Lakez.
  4. They dont have a smilie with one finger up do they...... What a shame
  5. Well donate £3 for us having to put up with them!
  6. Agreed but I might have been driving that quick I was a blurr!!
  7. Why not send me some pics and donate £3 to the forum
  8. Lasers report back to the unit within a 1/3 of a second. Because the police are scrutinised thoroughly with their equipment, calibration and various locking issues they must use an average so around 5 seconds to ensure they have the correct vehicle, and sighted correctly on the number plate which is reflective. The bonnet or numbers cannot be used for risk of a deflected or inaccurate returning signal. So once the snooper has recognised the laser is aimed at your vehicle you have a short window in which to slow down. Hence the reason I was not prosecuted. Laser jammers as mentioned are illegal if used to avoid a police laser gun, but they have to prove it.
  9. Trust me I didn't have a clue 2 years ago, it's only by dabbling myself and learning. In fact still learning and a bloody long way to go yet.
  10. They need to average your speed, so around 3-5 seconds. Enough time to hit the anchor, and lower your average. It may not prevent but can lower your chance of excessive readings on their laser. Trust me when this thing goes off its like a real cybertron laser coming into the car. I've had it go off before from a mobile laser and evaded capture.
  11. Oh Well ask for a free one cos the one you got is naff!!
  12. Hoorah for the Tommy K!
  13. Not sure Nissan would replace a battery under warranty? Worth a go though, maybe flutter eye lashes and smile generously?
  14. like it Research research research Enjoy Goodwood and I'm sure they'll hear you coming
  15. Off to the LakeZ Friday back Sunday but have a good'un fella Made your list of mods yet
  16. I've got this one http://www.snooperuk.com/products/3zero/index.html Has everything you need and names the type of camera ahead of you. Provides high risk areas I believe by GPS and to be fair they're normally spot on, so always handy to pay double attention due to large number of accidents but no camera. When it senses a laser heck oh heck it wakes the neigbourhood up!! Handy as the handheld laser pick you up from some distance. By the time they've targeted and obtained a average speed you're off the gas. It scares the pants out of me when it goes off. Very good with cameras providing distance and healthy alerts 400yards in advance. It is very sensitive and will alert you of any kind of signal that 'could' be a camera or detector. Ranging on the strength of the signal it picks up it rates it from 1-5, 5 being a very strong signal. Only downside is it picks up the signal from automatic doors and the like you get at Tesco All in all I'd rather have something sensitive and full of EVERY type of camera and laser and be one step ahead. Good bit of kit
  17. To be fair I still can't understand how there would be a need for evasive action. If they're on your offside rear quarter, I'm sure she wasn't going to drive straight into you, especially if you're both taking the same exit. If you weren't exiting then maybe I could understand and that she was forcefully trying to exit whilst another vehicle is in her path. Either way you have right of way. If they hit my car they'd have a seriously high repair bill!
  18. Let me get this right. You are 2 abreast at the junction of the roundabout. You both enter the roundabout. You want to turn left off the first junction and so does she? Avoidance, there's no need you are in the correct lane and had she hit you which hopefully she wouldn't have done, she would be in the wrong. Holding your lane and exit path she would still had to negotiate your right of way. From the description you've posted it sounds like you've taken unnecessary action to avoid her? If for instance you are in the near side lane and wanted exit 2, and she wanted exit 1 then I can understand the avoidance tactic she was clearly in the wrong lane for the exit and tried to cut you up. I had the same issue on Chiswick roundabout years ago. I was in lane 1 for exit 2, the chap in lane 2 wanted exit 1. He realised he was in the wrong lane and tried to power past me and cut me up but actually swiped my front right wing.
  19. If its ONLY going to cheer you up, leave it on my drive way cos I'd be extatic
  20. Cool At the end of the day it's a free forum but every penny helps towards the UK's finest Zed forum. Extra pennies help towards free or discounted tickets to major events, flags, banners, gazebos to name just a few. If I generated 50 sigs, that'd be £150 to the forum. So send me a PM including your email address, I'll then send an email so that you can reply with pics and what you're looking for. Simple
  21. If you'd like a signature made up, or refreshed send me your email address via pm. Send over pics that you would like used. Theme required, fonts, or anything particular and I'll knock some suggestions up. I'm going to set a fee of £3 but I don't want your money, I'd rather it went to the forum via the donate button. All for a good cause
  22. Did not know you drive a compressor mate Have you not seen the latest craze?? No motor industry for me. Finance and Detailing, oh and polishing, signature making, erm, hoovering, cook dinner twice a week oh and have a few drinks whilst watching the WRC just realised I've drunk all the whiskey from the Wales raffle
  23. Wasso


    To be fair you will always be stuck with any type of applicator or cloth with SRP, as they will all soak into the applicating object. I used to use the white stitched cloths you get from Halfords. A Megs applicator or the like will still soak your fluids. To be fair I'd rather use a cloth of some type as the SRP removes a lot of contaminants and as such you'll need to keep manipulating the cloth for a clean section so that the muck you've taken off will not be used to scratch the rest of your paintwork. To be fair you could probably ditch the SRP. Example: Wash car Clay the car Seal with hard wax such as Dodo juice Cleaning will become easier as the wax is more durable and protective than SRP.
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