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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. I'm cool mate cheers, rather particular about where I pitch. Access to a pee bush, correct sleeping angle and close enough to the car. I'll probably pitch in the same place if it's available. If I recall you pitched right up the back last time with your house sized tent. Thanks for the offer though! Martin - what's the last available Shell station before hitting Heaves, from the Midlands. Cheers
  2. I'm doing exactly the same with clothing this time AND bringing a gazebo so that I don't bring the wetness inside. Won't arrive until some time between 8-9 me thinks
  3. A mate of mine went touring with me round europe in his ep3. They're pretty good 1st and 2nd gear and can 'just' hold a Zed, but once 3rd gear comes along the revs climb as they did in 1st and the power just keeps coming. You look at the rev counter and that's when you realise what sort of car you're in. Out the box it's good I'm the corners but invest in suspension and tyres and it's an all new ball game. Another member on here Bennett has his suspension setup perfect. I drove it a few weeks ago and it's flippin epic. The looks the Zed gets hands down beats the ep3. Again when touring my mate got pi$$ed off cos everyone was looking at the Zed. Finally, cruise a Zed at 90mph of course on an autobahn, and the revs sit nicely and even in 6th gear the torque is there to use. Drop it to 5th and say hello to 140+ in a flash. You can of course keep going depending on your nerve. The ep3 as my mate said doesn't like 100mph+ on a motorway as the engine is making a racket and found it quite annoying. The Zed is built for a number of reasons. All except for being a hot hatch and that's the difference. Personaly if you went from an ep3 to a Zed there are some significant changes, but you'll love it for the right reasons.
  4. This is my email to them (pics won't be included as its direct from my phone) I've put it politely but the next message will be escalated to Ricey. Hi Ben, Just wanted to say thanks for sending across my callipers. I moved the delivery date to today as I wouldn't be home but now received. I feel bad for sending this mail but have no alternative and feel rather annoyed as quality control as per your terms of business is not occurring. Basically I removed the first calliper from the box and unwrapped. All ok. The second calliper that I removed from the box I instantly noticed two small slashes in the bubble wrap. I looked at the depth of the two slashes before unwrapping and could see the calliper clearly through the bubble wrap. The slashes were from a sharp object. I checked the box and there would be no reason to assume it was damaged by the courier. I then unwrapped the calliper to find this. Now, I was quite disappointed at this point considering the issues and having to return the callipers previous to this delivery. So I now open the remaining two parcels, and on the last calliper I find this Well at least 2 out of 4 callipers are ok. In fact the finish is far better than before so I thank you for that. So I guess these two callipers will need to be sent back you for further correction. I don't know who is checking these before they are wrapped as the one without the slashes was damaged before being wrapped. If you can please accept receipt of this email, as previous emails have either not been received or ignored as I've never yet received a reply from my messages. Secondly I am now having to foot more postal costs. I guess I'll have to write that off. I'll be honest I expected a lot more from a reputable company as well as being recommended by a fellow 350z member. I spoke to him about these issues and was very surprised. Can we please be 3rd time lucky as I'm getting rather tired of having to wait all this time in getting my callipers finished. I could have gone to a local company whom was cheaper but I've chosen Godspeed by recommendation. Please please please can the two defected callipers be corrected ASAP. I have a show 14th July so if you could please ensure they are done by then as I would like to show them off. On a positive note the other two callipers appear to be perfect. I will arrange for these to be sent ASAP and will call to confirm receipt. Thanks Ian
  5. YAY Callipers have arrived!!!! But!! Like some of the useless companies out there I've dealt with I'm continually finding idiots!! Here we go again. 2 Callipers have marks on them. One was caused by two slash marks that had gone through the bubble wrap, yet no damage to the box? The second calliper had damage before being wrapped. So two callipers are going back AGAIN!!!! :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang: If they don't get it right this time I'll be asking for a full refund from Godspeed Brakes. I give up!
  6. I'd put it back as that's nice weather
  7. It actually reduces the risk of burn. In effect the pad is continually moving in 2 directions, avoiding the risk of burn which rotary machines have the risk of if not used correctly.
  8. It was a great success, and a bloody good laugh. Instead of the drive a track day could be scheduled, BUT looking at the open track price of £180 it's not going to be to everyone's taste, so I'm looking I to the pricing and options at the mo. If not it'll revert back to the drive.
  9. Here you go viewtopic.php?f=89&t=52620 Edit Check the pictures out later in the thread.
  10. You won't yet, but it's a firm meet. Just sorting out the theme whether to do a drive as normal or to incoprorate a track day event. Last August we had the following: 2.5hr drive BBQ Night at the dogs Retire back to our house for shots and more booze. Ask Colin and June (Ebized) Hotel accommodation I'll find the link to the last meet in August. So once it's confirmed it'll be posted.
  11. I can add you to the mailing list so that you get a firm update of any mids meets.
  12. I was just looking at the exhaust and thought hmmm something wrong there, needs two outlets - clearly a Juke only has one. That's probably from researching 350 zorsts all the time
  13. nice! ihope to come to a meet up in the midlands (im from near lichfield but live in cornwall all my family are still up there so im there pretty often) if im about some time and theres a meet going on, theres some nice 350z's up there Next meet is likely to be the second week of August. Be good for you to join in etc
  14. That happens to me trying to get on my driveway. TC them goes bonkers so have to turn it off just to get on my drive.
  15. Basically a polisher that Oscilates and Rotates (DA) Orbital just rotates.
  16. Autosol would be an epic fail
  17. It's used because you need to remove it so the plenum can be removed. In taking the hose off the plenum you get a slight drip of coolant.
  18. That's nice of them. My dad would struggle to look after me being 1,100 miles away
  19. If that's your lounge what are you cooking with and sleeping on?? Best of luck Jim, we'll really miss ya Although if we can get our plans together we'll see you next year for a holiday drive/meet. Maybe hire a 370
  20. Jez know knows both cars well so to be fair he'd probably have some helpful answers for you.
  21. I would have thought if it was missing you'd be spewing coolant, so clearly removed and the other end has been connected elsewhere????? I'm very good friends with that pipe as I've taken my plenum off a number of times and must remove the pipe to allow the plenum to be removed. For the life of me I can't picture where it is joined to. Get it to a mechanic to see what has been done?
  22. Brilliant, your roof will be perfect for the tents
  23. Ha ha ha like the way it describes a 'couple of showers' in other words expect to get wet. I'll be more prepared this time with a selection of dry clothes and black sacks for wet clothes. I won't be drying my jeans on the plenum this time
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