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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. It's not really a debate though is it, she's just fit - end of!!
  2. You should be ok without having the uprev, but just keep an eye on things. Didn't I read someone added some mods and was running lean somewhere, not sure what they were or how many mods. Although saying that I swapped out my lower plenum and had no issues, and on the revup it makes nice gains so the changes were coped with and adjusted by the ecu with no issues. Wonder if you can polish them up?? If not like you say clean it up and powdercoat blue.
  3. Wasso


    Oh dear oh dear oh dear..... Epic fail on every level. What a difference rims make on a 370.
  4. They are only jealous Daryl Wasso doesn't like it because its not shiny RT diesn't like it because its not made of wood :fight: That is very true statement To be fair I have the MREV 2, so gains have already been gained.
  5. Alex does provide this service I'm waiting for my front callipers to return from Godspeed. Rear ones had no issue but the fronts had to be done for a 3rd time. Cost £300 That includes a refers and new seals and stuff.
  6. It's still f'ugly Edit - I'd prefer Rich to fart in my intake than have that - sorry
  7. It would confuse the police big time. Follow the Beemer 5 series....... Nah not seen one John but an Audi just went past Frankly it's a mess which ever way you look at it. Would the insurance company deem it as a kit car??
  8. And they look f'ugly!! I wouldn't bother to be perfectly honest.
  9. Agreed, this is why I believe someone from my350 wrote it.
  10. Funny thing is now that I've done my research and watched this for a second time, it actually makes a lot more sense. The chap Alberto mentioned in the vid actually screwed a number of cars on my350, so clearly a my350 member put this together. 900horse on 440 injectors and on stock rails makes me laugh most.
  11. That is sooooo daft but so cool. That would appear on the 'Cool Wall' Where can I buy one, I'd just love to annoy the hell outa people with that!
  12. I'd rather you didn't flash but rather wave or nod To be fair I was just receiving a call asking if wanted any beers, so wasn't paying a great deal of attention, saw a Zed and the spaced plate and knew this was your route so presumed it was you
  13. That would be me fella, I saw what I thought was your number plate but wasn't sure. On my way to a poker night in Broms
  14. Periodically check they are tight as try should be for general road use. Pre track checks would include wheel nuts etc. it's your safety check them as you would.
  15. No this is the stock oem upper plenum chamber. Good for a spare as Lee has said for polishing or painting?
  16. I should be able to get your reservoirs polished this weekend and sent off. Weather hasn't been the best.
  17. Beef Monster Munch or Cheese Disco's please. Don't do shandy, it ruins the lager! It's like Spritzers, why would you want to water down wine is beyond me? Cheers for the offer but it wouldn't be business savy for me to purchase them.
  18. It means selling them at a higher price and purchaser then has a oem plenum they can't sell. It's a nice idea to have lots all polished up but probably a pain to sell. It's a shame otherwise I would take all of them.
  19. I'd love to learn how to drive the Zed and get mid 20's in town. I get mid to late 20's on the motorway. Thing is I get bored being conservative, best to just enjoy the car, I might not be here tomorrow?
  20. Wasso

    Photoshop Help

    Don't rush Dave we don't want any half hearted skills on this one. Do the man proud and when you've got time.
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