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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Take a look at some of their pages and it has a strong Ricey feel to it Example : Thanks, we are going to be receiving your DodoMail very shortly. When we get DodoMail we like to flog our web department harder than an errant cabin boy so that you will get a quick reply. Our lawyers, Mr Smith and Mr Wesson, would just like to point out that dodos may or may not be harmed in the manufacturing process, if they were or were not to exist, and we accept no liability for anything, ever. Dodo Juice is a Limited Company, registered in England, no. 06183699 and the Dodo Juice logo is a registered trademark. This website and all content © Dodo Juice Ltd. MSDS data here. OK, so how much carnauba is actually in Dodo Juice? It depends on the individual wax, but Dodo Juice waxes generally have between 25%-35% carnauba content when measured without any jiggery-pokery. In our experience, the highest concentration of carnauba in a car wax that can be applied straight from a tin at room temperature is around 40%. If a manufacturer is claiming a lot more, then it is likely they are simply *calculating* a lot more. You can get Carol Vorderman to take the true percentage, divide by the number of days in the year and then multiply by the square root of your hamster's age to come up with a pleasing figure. Or you can measure carnauba by dry volume (instead of the more usual wet volume), by solids content, by overall wax content or by residual content. Basically any way you want. But it doesn't necessarily mean the wax is better. There's only one way of finding that out, and that's by slapping it on some paintwork. Needless to say, we don't state carnauba percentages on our products because they are too confusing and generally mislead the public. We'll take our chances without relying on any dubious marketing techniques. You can see an experiment we did with carnauba measurement here. :lol:
  2. You can get a recon from America for £2k delivered. Maybe Monkfish may have them?
  3. and the ribbing starts again I think Chris was glad that I left on Sunday away from the continual referencing to the lack of an engine. I think the best was..... "Chris you need to adjust your suspension, the front looks awfully high" "That's because it doesn't have an engine" "Oh yeah" I'd say because you have enough backing from all of us on your thread, why don't we picket outside and demand the engine to be built and ready for you!!
  4. Wooooohoooo that dull paint REALLY does shine. I think me and Bob will take all the ribbing back
  5. They never quite moaning do they - all that hotness comes at a price my friend Oh yes HOT HOT HOT!
  6. Hopefully you get all expenses paid, cos the beer ain't cheap! Eh Col
  7. Oh Damn!!! You hid it from me Since our epic day of polishing Flat paint (no lacquer) I was quite impressed with our efforts today, great team work and if you ever want to give up computers I'd be more than delighted to work with you detailing. It was a sad moment today I've made a really good mate, along with a family that is truly bonded and welcoming. I was treated to the finest southern fish and chips, restaurants, alcohol, coffee, sandwiches (Dave Parkin ) and copious amounts of fun and chats until the VERY early mornings. I'm truly grateful for you to house me for 4 days. The Zed Shed Rocks!!!!! To all who wanted a detail, I thank you for your business, banter and cold drinks and lunches etc. I have to say it was Damn Hot in Richmond!!!!!!! Thanks to all, a further tour will be planned hopefully for the end of August. So anyone who wishes for a detail pm me. I must also say, there's been some great Zeds that I've worked on, and one particular Zed that I was allowed to have a drive with ( Will ) I can still remember those great twisties, they were superb. I'll post up a little later the before and after pics with finished gallery, cheers all
  8. A couple of grand, dependent I'd say on mileage.
  9. I guess that's the GPX version? I was looking at these quite some years ago, the V6 isn't that bad. Problem I found was trying to look out the damn rear window, you can't see a thing!! Nice cars though.... reminds me of Grand Tourismo back in the day!
  10. It is thy Jedi Knight.... Light Sabre too - tucked up the sleeve!! Good to see ya Dave, had a great day with your wealthy supplies of grub and drinks. Just been out for a meal, so photo's will either be tomorrow or Sunday, but more than happy for you to post a few if you wish. Your Zed turned out rather nice I must say.
  11. Real nice Col, smart and I like it The shine from Monday still looking good.
  12. Nice one Col, you'll never regret that stuff. Graham, Col has converted time to make that purchase (Although let me how it goes with your choice of secondary wax application) Greddy-Matt today - just checking the forum before the onslaught of another day
  13. 10 hours a day detailing on average for 7 days I'm glad that I'll be going on holiday when I get back to recover!
  14. I've received a few enquiries during my tour, so there will be a second tour for sure. It won't be as long, because 7 cars in a week is a bit much!! (Especially in this heat!)
  15. That Zed won't move without an engine though Chris. There is now a long queue of cars awaiting the Zed Shed treatment
  16. Ha ha - thanks Will The wax is Dodo Juice Supernatural
  17. Class Graham.... You could have at least offered them a lift
  18. Funny you say that...... here are some pics of the finished Zeds from across the country so far. 4 down and 3 to go. (All full detailed pics will follow after the weekend within the Pristine Detailing thread) COLDEL STEVE 350Z GLRNET BUSTER
  19. Think that woud be why Wasso missed you then That would be a damn good reason not to see you then
  20. Well I guess Nico you've been informed it was me. Funny thing is I didn't see any other Zeds, so not sure where you were in relation to spotting me? That traffic getting onto the M3 and then finding a broken down car in the outside lane didn't help my journey to Dorking. Oh Graham, thanks for that scare I seriously did think for a minute you took your car through a carwash! It was a good day today mate Humpy, trust me I don't lecture, I just ask you to throw away all of the useless products (Coldel you know what to bin, and fast!) Graham, you need to get online and purchase some Dodo SN You know it's a winner!
  21. Just thought I'd drop in to say hello Gonna hit the sack for the evening after the drive from Dorking to Dorset (Keysers), and have 4 cars to detail over the next 3 days, although Chris has somehow pushed another car my way, with some small corrections needed, so it looks as though I'm staying an extra day Oh such is life when the sun shines. Get this, I've burnt the top of my ears, I think it's got something to do with how hot it was in Richmond!!!! I'll be posting up some pictures soon enough, once I get a spare hour to download the million and one photos. Also I just want to say during my travels I've enjoyed some cracking meals, and superb hospitality. Even Will offered for me to stay over whilst in Deepcut. Although I'm very annoyed with Will!! He took me for a drive down some cracking roads, pulled into a side street, jumped out and said "your go". Now although I'm not a massive fan of the 370, I still keep looking at them as a future potential and managed to pull myself away earlier when we were all at Steve's house. So now Will is asking me to take Rosie for a spin, and that's why I'm annoyed with Will, because now I keep thinking back to the twisties and the package the 370 offers. I love the syncro rev thingy, I like it a lot, although it kinda takes away some of the fun of doing it yourself. So Will, no more offers please, I'm still trying to finish the 350!!! Anyway, Buster will be over tomorrow bright and early to detail his car, and hopefully there will be plenty of juice on tap with all this hot weather. I also want to say thanks to those who have chosen to use Pristine Detailing..... your business is highly appreciated.
  22. My pinkness has calmed down a bit now. Come on over Will I think Col maybe over later too
  23. Let me say one thing. Richmond is VERY hot! Col did help with a removing the quick detailer ready for the wax. But had a great lunch and superb hospitality. It turns out Will I can see your apartment
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