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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Agreed it is only a coating, but if the coating created a smoothing effect it could potentially change the air flow dynamics. I'm guessing of course. The only other issue in which to create a perfect anodised exterior, would be the need to polish the exterior before anodising otherwise it would look naff. It's an option and something I may offer after the polishing of a plenum
  2. The plenum is aluminium so it wouldn't be an issue. Not sure of the physics internally what issues it would cause. What I mean by internally is the surface within the plenum chamber. I'm aware the design of the lower plenum is specifically designed to promote air flow. Would anodising the interior of the plenum cause an issue I couldn't say. Unless there is a way to anodise that only of the exterior of the plenum?
  3. *Latest update* Sample pieces of Alu received today from supplier and laser cutter. So either tomorrow or Monday down to the Anodisers for a blast in 4 colours. I'll not sample the black, as black is back. But for sure ill see about cutting one sample in two to get a feel of their Purple tones.
  4. With the engine on it helps bring the air up through the system due to heat. Last year I had a slightly soft pedal, but generating enough heat in the system and brakes released the air. But I wouldn't recommend doing this if you've got hardly any brakes. As Jez said leave the engine running, it'll help
  5. Search installed prog's and see if anything untoward appears then delete it!!
  6. Muy beuno The Invidia with Titanium pipes FTW!
  7. Too late buddy, they're on the way to me since 10am this morning Oh there's more LEFT!!
  8. It could even be longer after enduring 4 months of Jury Service which involved Mobile traffic, content and messages. The case was this year and covered content prior to 2009.
  9. Just don't polish them too hard or you will damage the weave trust me I wouldn't polish these That reminds me, must get back onto my bay to polish some more bits
  10. a proper PMSL at these responses! Yeah Bennett why didn't you call me over and I would have held the camera for you GT4 I am That's made my day.
  11. Is that a normal requirement of a service these days Dave? As I heard your engine compartment is only opened by either a mechanic or at service time Oh and remember its a slippery slope. Bolts Plenum Strut Bar Slam Panel Battery and Fluid covers Polishing Hoses Oh and then a spray can of Silver and Blue. Are you ready for this? (or are those tablets making you do this?)
  12. Correct otherwise known as "The Oil Burner"
  13. I'd say she's got you by the gonads!! Don't you just love women, take it as a positive unless she starts raiding your bank account I'd have her reported to the police, surely they will have recommendations with personal security and the like. With the mobile I'd speak with your provider and ask what they suggest.
  14. Search is your friend, but I've never heard tensioners being a 'known' issue.
  15. As long as she hasn't got your 350z-uk password we shall all be safe. You can get hold of keyboard tracking software, it will save all key depressions. Does Miss X still have access to your computer? I would have a look at installed software and remove anything that looks suspicious. It's the only option I can think of?
  16. The doc probably took one look at you and thought hmmm he's a tall fella, he'll need BIGGER tablets. Good luck with those Dave
  17. What the heck has happened to this thread It's those druggies on the gear again
  18. Oh my god Graham, I left your car looking like a gem and you've miss treated her, shame on you
  19. Cheers MrG, that one was a bugger a lot of work moreso than normal. I'll be doing these for quite some time I'm sure
  20. Well you will be a happy bunny Ian now I am the quote GOD !!
  21. Only the smurf can quote at the top, and nobody else <----- as I know you like this smiley. Congrats MrG
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