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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Oooh that could tempt me but can't do the afternoon, so only morning for me.
  2. I thought you had been playing around with Photoshop Well I had played around to get the colour/black and white theme. But forgot to try and put my wheels the right colour They look a bit gold
  3. A lot of people think I have bronze wheels from my signature. But it's actually the lighting from the business park I was in.
  4. All fair and well, but what about the millions of useless drivers that haven't got a clue what road signs are and the purpose of the indicator stick or mirrors, lane positioning etc rant rant rant. I would be more than happy for a test to be done every ten years to ensure road users are capable of driving a car
  5. Not sure if mods want to make this a sticky thread. Over on my350z they have have a similar thread, and may help keep new simple mods in one place for everyone to see? MOT and Red Calipers going on for me this month
  6. Looks very good indeed Great job although you've forgotten to put your registration numbers and letter back on..... You should know better unless you're looking to avoid the law
  7. I thought things were bad but 6:35 was HORRIFIC! 8:20 that chap must have shat his bowels! 9:30 bet he wasn't expecting THAT to overtake the truck going he other way. Then that final one where re car flies across the road and well, ends up just pile of mess on the floor. I guess the majority of these were from countries with bad drivers by the way there's in car car cameras. Have to say a lot of those incidents could have been avoided, all snow shots were drivers driving well beyond the conditions, and the same applies for the raining shots too. Unbelievable some I have to say.
  8. I was actually videoing the jet car whilst elevated on a fence you know like just about hanging on. Then the jet car went past and well I was flung off the fence with the noise. My mate did say to me it would be loud, but I just didn't pay attention
  9. I saw the thread of "Sea Fishing" and thought.... hmmm who is likely to post that up.... and as I looked across I saw "Octet" so I headed back to the left hand side to make sure I had aligned my sight correctly against the name..... It really is Octet going Sea Fishing. WTF!!! So we have Opera, TV, Olympics, Photography, Sausages and Fine Wine, and now SEA FISHING!!!!! Don't tell me you collect Stamps, climb Everest every other weekend and speak fluent Japanese! What next!!
  10. That can be achieved. £50 all in. If you are particular with a certain red them please provide the colour code necessary. If you're interested PM me and I can send you my address. Turnaround will be 1 week.
  11. A mate of mine just one a share of the Euro Millions. He's just bought a GTR, jealous me no not in the slightest. Bast@"£&!!!
  12. Heck that was lucky it was repairable, could have been a lot worse. Doing a good job there that's for sure. At least that's a nice fresh coat of paint to rid of the stone chips
  13. And we thought you liked shiney I do, that's the process before shiny
  14. Agreed Peter it is a little slippery. Best thing to do is get some 120grit paper and rough it up a little, all the slippery bits are now rough and easier to hold. Simples!
  15. I was having a chat with Sam Hindle this weekend all about your Zed. She stayed over with Rob She said you was on a forum but not sure which, and these pics confirm it all especially those pics from inside RT Performance. Looking good BTW
  16. Wasso

    What size punch?

    In public! I hope you're out back hidden by fences. NOT that sort of polishing Mr H
  17. I don't think much to your stereo or navigation But on the other side you'll need to wear a captains cap just like a pilot, it's like a flight deck Well it does fly
  18. I had a free Griffin Carbon and rubber case with my last iPhone, lasted forever and protected my phone perfectly. Without a doubt I'll get a Griffin again Adrian that'll polish out mate in fact you'd do best staying in bed with the amount of things you've broken over the last few days
  19. Wasso

    What size punch?

    Funny enough no Mr G But something in that area will get a polish soon and be up for sale in November Talking of polishing I'm outside now polishing
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