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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Wasso

    Just my luck

    That bloody well explains why I've not seen a Total Nissan mag in Smith's for a while. Quite liked that mag too. Bad news though Mr G, a real shame, I was thinking just the other day it's taking an age to hear of your feature.
  2. Very nice Seen the smoke black on Martinmac's car and have to say they're very nice (can't remember what the looking good smiley code is on iPhone as you get no smilies )
  3. Wasso


    BRILLIANT To be fair this is why there are still problems with the forum because we gave up testing decided to smoke some weed and visit the red lights instead
  4. On OEM bumper and skirts no problem. Yes be a little wary of heavy duty speed bumps and very steep car parks and you'll be fine.
  5. Me again.... When on phone and using full site, which isn't full site as its a slim version of the main site. There are no clickable icons for YouTube, images, smilies etc. The old site on the mobile had all you needed, either by clicking quick reply or reply. The new one you have try and recall what they all did, ie code delivery for images and Ytube etc. Amy chance of just a simple selection on the mobi. Ta
  6. Yes it is possible, the anodised orange is pretty much as below.
  7. Bump for deposits and any more before production starts with the remain slots available.
  8. We had our lounge skimmed before moving in. 4 walls and the ceiling £800.
  9. Without reading Ekona's post I'd have said 50/50 also. Old house plaster won't be in A1 condition. Inexperienced decorating skills = disaster. You can blame them, and they will blame you. Benefits you with new plaster and they have the room they desire. 50/50 all the way.
  10. You're gonna like this..... I managed to un-follow another of my own threads. It then froze the screen. Refreshed the page and then followed the thread. It froze, I refreshed and I'm following again. Did the same with the build thread and the same freezing happened but managed to follow the thread. Odd to say the least. The basic out the box is good and additional add on's once you've found your way around would be helpful like the calendar and multiple user pm's and of course leave te clear down of folders the responsibility of the user allowing a PM from another party to sit in suspense till the user has cleared enough space. Thanks for the help
  11. I tried the following earlier before your message, per the following. (You can follow a thread in two ways. 1. Viewing the thread (click button) or 2. If you are the owner there's a tick box) So I try the edit feature, click follow. It then says I have too many photos so can't test that. So I try to un-follow another thread of my own. The screen locks up again. Guess what I'm using the "full site" on my iPhone. I bet it's iPhone related. I'll test again on my laptop at home. Further to my other post, will there be an option to PM more than 6 people at the same time?
  12. Okay tried the last page and that didn't work either. I'll try on my laptop tonight and see if that fixes the issue.
  13. As mentioned (come on Chris keep up) I've been able to follow two of my other threads in members trading. I'll try the last page and see if I can join my thread from there.
  14. Searchy? It's in Members Build Threads.... As I click follow thread, it thinks, them freezes the screen. Strangely I can follow other threads created by me with no issues but not my own build thread? Very odd?
  15. A few more issues. I cannot follow my old build thread, page crashes and freezes. Also you can only have 6 people in a group conversation within the PM system.
  16. I'm not over 40 but as there was a lady on offer and it turns out to be a bike Nice though
  17. 350 Russ, I can't send you a message as your mailbox is full. Let me know when you've cleared some space and I'll send you the details.
  18. No problem, manufacture starts Monday next week, so the deadline is open till then. I'll PM you later this evening with the details
  19. On Board Diagnostics Multi pin plug, located right hand side of the steering wheel, beneath the hood latch. Basically connects hardware/software to the ECU. Used by garages for engine diagnostics or general viewing of what the ECU see's.
  20. I know exactly where the delete button is I rarely use my laptop, and every thing is on my phone and I'd like an easy life if you know what I mean.
  21. Thing is I'd rather not have messages stored in two locations, for me it logistically doesn't work.
  22. Well I've been having a tidy up and down to 90% but with the spacer project and polishing going full tilt its kinda needed How Alex is coping I don't know. Tarmac still has an issue as I still can't send him a message, and Ersen is also having the same issue.
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