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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Hey cool Chris, but she's not finished yet I'll buy the mag for sure
  2. You can always re-paint it? But be careful with who paints it for you!
  3. Bay looks great Adrian, the lack of gloss isn't for me but a really nice colour though. Will still look great when its finished. Awaiting your pics for further bolt changes
  4. The reason it don't match is he's used Z18 paint code B17 should have been used. In fact Z18 doesn't even exist for the Zed. Lets just say its been painted blue and will need to be fixed!!
  5. Ha ha Chris I found that out the hard way also. The old system you could place folders to store those message, but not here. Just to report the 47 names on the mailing list, 10 of them had full mailboxes. An announcement to their personal mail would be a great help - to all members I'd say. Otherwise the new functionality works a treat
  6. Yeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaa!!!! Looks like I'll be sending out the announcement at last. Cheers lads
  7. That would be really helpful Chris, then I can promote the next meet before Christmas to those who may not be regulars and need an email prompt. Cheers
  8. +1 the 6 members per message thing sucks, and needs fixing.
  9. Fair point Ian, but still a fair whack. I've been charged per spacer for anodising rather than per vat, but then I've seen their vats, they're huge!!! They also have all the necessary brackets, especially for bolts and washers as Pro Bolt use the same place.
  10. Ha ha I remember that woman, I sacked her for saying pardon too often. I remember having three similar names stored.... Jo, Jayne and Jamie. Now, here I am in the car.... "Dial number"... "The name please"..... Here goes..... "JAYNE" The cowbag says...... "Jamie"...... CANCEL! "Dial number"... "The name please"..... "JAYNE" She suggests "Jo"..... CANCEL "Dial number"... "The name please"..... "JAYNE!!!!!" "JAMIE?"..... **** off!!! "PARDON!" **** off you ****ing piece of @*!#!!!! "PARDON" I wonder why she got the sack!
  11. Okay time to revisit the issues of PM's. 1. Still unable to send a message to more than 6 people. I'm therefore unable to send out to those on the West Mids mailing list unless I send 8+ messages! 2. If you receive a PM how can you forward it to somebody else... There's just no options available. You can reply to those within the conversation and you cannot remove anyone from the conversation. Any help or improvements will be greatly appreciated.
  12. I don't think that's very clear to be fair.... But really £100 for one colour? I'd like to know why that's so expensive, especially for some washers!
  13. Offers before it goes on eBay....
  14. £100! I know black anodising takes longer but heck that's a lot!!
  15. Get it Jay, perfect Who needs a 370 anyways, they're not as exciting as a 350!
  16. If I had the spare cash. I'd jump at it, great price but with Christmas just round the corner it's probably the worst month to sell a car. In addition I've not finished my Zed yet so there's no way I could part with an unfinished project. I'm sure somebody will snap it up, just a matter of time. GLWTS!
  17. Is this your car, because if so it looks like your keyboard is broken. Not being funny but that's a dreadful advert.
  18. See I found the studs easy with a bit of trickery. My issue was doing up the nuts behind where the screw replaces the studs. Here's the two nut trick.... Tighten nuts onto the stud and use the lower one to remove the stud with a spanner.
  19. That's a fair point actually, I didn't actually notice the editing at first, to be fair it should have been left alone. Not good Col.
  20. It's probably the hardest mod ever to be fitted. Post a pic of the instructions and it'll come back to me.... It wasn't easy.
  21. I'm not saying which I voted for but it's an epic pic
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