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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Surely 34 E's would fit in your pocket? I managed to squeeze my ego in the car once, but then it grew and now it no longer fits! Surprised it ever fitted
  2. Surely 34 E's would fit in your pocket? I managed to squeeze my ego in the car once, but then it grew and now it no longer fits!
  3. Thing is for me if I went to Japan my customs bill would be horendous, especially if you have a container full of parts
  4. Very jealous 17 days that's a proper holiday That must have cost a complete and utter fortune!! I watched that bushy haired comedy bloke can't think of his name, do a tv series on Japan and their crazy life style. I wouldn't say no if I was single to hang out the bars where women pay to date blokes Have a good one matey
  5. Result!! Top man Chris..... Love this forum!
  6. I've heard the Mishi rads are okay but the fans are not. Edit - its either that way round or the other. Check with Keyser as I know he's got te right setup of course
  7. Just out of curiosity where did you get the paintwork sorted for the V2? GLWTS, very nice looking Zed
  8. Next they'll be flying planes and fighting wars!! Fair do though, great job of the training.
  9. Okay here's the hi res pics of the latest spacers, purple in all it's glory along with the Orange. Bonding of gaskets next week Stay tuned for further updates.....
  10. Agreed, it's nice to see people making the effort, and considering this was the last of the year I would have thought more would have been interested for the Midlands meet. But then again people are either going on holiday or have put their Zed's away for winter.
  11. A rule of fuel being half the NOS is a starting point but not a fixed rule. I had a 75 NOS and I believe a 25 fuel. It all depends on the tune and the car. The fuel system will cope, I wouldn't be getting worried about that. If you're jetting high numbers then maybe an issue. Maybe have a chat with Mark. So in the case of your question what size fuel, I had 25. Will you be having bottle heaters, 1 or 2 bottles and size? Where are you installing the bottle(s). Are you having pressure and temp sensors for the bottle(s)? The minimax is a basic controller. I had the Max Extreme Street controller, has great functionality. DONT RUN THE NOS WITHOUT HAVING YOUR CAR TUNED BY A PRO!!
  12. Where are the main fixing points as I've noticed my idle has become a little up and down? No point buying one, far cheaper to make your own and to your own taste too
  13. Fuel Jet size is dependant of the map, and reflective of the NOS jet. NOS Jet size I went to 75 as recommended by Mark at Abbey. Neilp is is running a 100 or even a 125 but I'm not sure if his jet sizes are different as he run an American system? I'm guessing from a safe perspective 75 but you can go for 100 but you're obviously somewhere near the boundaries. What those exact boundaries are depends on the tune and systems you're running. You could whack a 200 jet in if you wanted, but whose to say it will blow? Dependant on how of often you push it I guess.
  14. Bisto is normally a popular request!!
  15. Sorry I think this week too.
  16. Cheers Mr G, Here's the latest pics..... Purple (sorry wasn't my camera work) The spacers are therefore done, gaskets being collected Monday which with then be bonded to the spacer. This leaves just the plastic feet. Which I'm hoping will be back to me next week.
  17. There's nowt wrong with the ARC and their quality speaks volumes. Desirable well made hardware. Nothing sounds like an ARC period! It's also better looking than the rest of the aftermarket items too. Yes it costs a lot, but why follow the usual path of pop chargers and the like.
  18. Tell me about it, Ive spent the last 4 days on Jury duty! I spent 4.5 months on Jury service.... Great fun but boy did I miss normal life!
  19. THIS!!! I was going to post tonight the horendous driving on our roads today. They may not be driving dangerously but haven't got a clue which lane they are in, what they are doing or how close they are driving to the car in front. 5 times a night I'll shake my head in complete disgust!! Tonight there's 4 cars all bumper to bumper. The car in the lead is doing 65, each car behind keeps tapping their brakes. The lead car eventually pulls over, and the 2nd car pootles along probably 300 yards before moving into the middle lane and stays there despite there, sorry their, no there again, being nobody in the inside lane and reside there for the next ten miles. Car number 3 does the same. It drives me absolutely crazy. If they all pootled along in the inside lane everyone would get home stress free and probably a little quicker too. Them there's our roads, pothole, sunken drain, grooves across te road like canyons and busses and trucks pulling out as if you're not there. Highway Code you mutt heads!!!! I hate England so much for driving, it's crap on a monumentous level! When I tour Europe I feel as though I don't want to go home. As well as for the ten good reasons above.
  20. Funny you say that, I've been like a small child at Christmas dealing with these. Payment received
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