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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Ha ha secret stash, I know what you mean and its a nice piece of shiny bling, each to their own I suppose. I could have one made up if you wanted.
  2. Yes Happy New year to all, hope 2012 has brought people great things and that 2013 gives you all the great pleasures of life. I'm hoping 2013 will bring me great changes with the business as I'm planning full time detailing instead of just weekends. Which means I'll leave office life once and for all. Here's to 2013 and that it brings Right I'm off for a and a hangover in the morning.
  3. I would do if my laptop wasn't so crap, its on its real last legs being 6 years old and takes 10 mins just to start up!
  4. But everything needs to be white to get a true perspective.
  5. Would have sent it to you if I wasn`t so worried about losing it in the post....and then seeing it on Ian's car at the Morton............ :lol: Have a great evening. Ha ha nice one Chris..... It would be pointless fitting it to a NA car, but I like your thinking. Daz got that message fine, what I'm referring to was a message you were intending to send prior to Christmas to say "sending my Cossy Intake to you for polishing" you did mention sending it up. Anyway I'll be down at the South east meet if you want me to finish it off for you. I have a spare upper if you need one, but I guess you still have your red one?
  6. Come on Ian keep up Think of a certain someone who is far far far away doing thier own adventure with pics etc. Dave is trying to compete Jim? Sorry I've not looked at all threads sorry
  7. I like the Rota Torque in standard form, let alone blinged white to match the car. It's simple..... It ticks all the boxes. Looks great Different Fits the budget I know you like to be different so why follow the norm?
  8. White Rota Torque FTW
  9. Nice one Darren, no wonder I didn't get a message this Christmas Way to go yet though my friend, keep polishing. :wink:
  10. Good job I'm holding my breath!
  11. Agreed the two just after 15mins are pretty horrific. Some real crazy crashes especially the NASCAR ones where they hit the wall at like stupid speeds where you'd expect instant death.
  12. Played Golf, washed car, test fitted some new engine bay bolts. Then..... Off to the pub
  13. A good watch especially the ending. It's 30 mins but well worth it. http://youtu.be/IFRLvnCoBpU
  14. I assumed you'd managed to add a table Ian, hence the error... :wink: Ha ha I wish, flippin table thing did my head in Chris.
  15. Easy tiger, I spent about 8 hours cleaning my bay, I don't want to do another one Although if £££ are in order then I'd be glad to strip the engine bay of intake and plenum and then give it a good scrub.
  16. Well you could have shouted me then to join in for a drive and Bev!
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