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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. To be honest I'd already priced up doing kits such as these but don't have the time to include it at the moment. I still have the Burnt Titanium Slam Panels to do yet, plus I'm looking at a Strafe Intake which replaces the ugly Vortech intake section. So grounding kits are on the list. Thanks for the tip with the yellow dipstick,although its yellow for a reason, so that I can find it amongst red and polished bits
  2. I haven't made one yet but as everyone else is pic whooooooring! When I make mine Adrian do you want a duplicate set? (As I know you like to follow trend )
  3. I think Chris made his own.
  4. That would be so cool each county he passes through only to be stopped for questioning
  5. Ha ha good luck with the passenger ride matey. You of course won't fancy a drink afterwards but take a spare pair of pants I couldn't stop laughing historically with the experience.
  6. Thanks to all received when I got home from work. I may not have featured on a main page just like last year but appeared in the smaller photos, so that's real good with me. Must remember to take better shots (even though I thought one of my contenders would have done it )
  7. That is a very true fact. I will be reading Alan Carr The Easy way this evening and subsequent nights leading to me giving up! I've given up before via the book but my unwilling to resist at 9 months the first time and 2 years the next means that this time it's for good. So I will not be a smoker in Wales.
  8. I don't think old crocks are worth selling?
  9. Finally finished last night. I've decoded that spark plugs are a nightmare to change with a halfords spark plug tool and need a longer version
  10. Engine bay is a wreck. Car is a wreck. Colour is a wreck. I guess it's a wreck which is why it's not sold, as well as being over priced.
  11. Okay so getting ready for next weekend, so on the list today. Polishing of.... Plenum Intake Tube ARC Intake ARC Catch Can Strut Bar Fit spark plugs Top the oil up Clean MAF, Throttle Body and ARC air filter. Here's the mess!! And the missing items from my bay I'll be working through the night with the polishing and it all needs to be fitted back tonight
  12. Apparently the info is saved, but they want to make sure the forum functions as it should before adding bits. There's also the simplicity of updates so anything out the ordinary will cost, but I'd say sometime this year we should see future development.
  13. Depends on how it's sent if its USPS you'll have tax on the goods value and delivery value at 20%. ParcelForce charge about £15 just for handling the package. If its DHL you won't have the £15 handling fee but will still may pay tax. Say £12-27 on top of your current total as a guide.
  14. Ha ha toys out of pram, I was more frustrated rather than angry. Just annoying when you can't use the full benefit of the software, but I guess best to have a stable platform before turning further functionality on. Edit: Here's the table issue http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/66058-inserting-a-table/
  15. Good luck with the table Wizard
  16. The reason the residents were pee'd off was because they had more wonga!! What I'd love to do is get a few of us together and drive down that chaps road opposite Harrods and belt the loving daylighta out of his road. What's he going to say then? Bloody Japanese? Toff off to Chelsea, actually don't do that because the Chelsea cruise has been going on for some 100 years....(I think) Interesting prog though. Nice one Colin.
  17. Seen a fair few of those before, but the evo and the old man are always firm favourites.
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