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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Wasso

    GTR Factory

    But still, they've canned the ass off it on their track. That's like having sex before the foreplay?
  2. Agreed I'd stick with a branded item. I'm personaly not even a fan of the copies, there's a distinct difference.
  3. HELL YEAH!!! That's about the most factual comment this week I have to say. What's Bob going to do without his foreman? you know that if you leave him in there with your array of tools there will be holes everywhere!!! :yikes: Hope you get on the mend soon Chris, and don't worry about smoking you'll be fine (awaits comments from the gang)
  4. That was the best one ever though eh. I watched it on the TV and pi**ed myself laughing. He keeps doing it now and again and just cracks me up.
  5. You've got one in your garden, you just need a Zed........................... That's a Zed hotel!!
  6. That's brilliant doogy Why not pop back for a short break?
  7. would love to ski in the USA but its expensive and not much night life so i have heard? Tree stumps are good as long as their is enough snow covering them! ha.. Even 12 years ago it was £45 a day for a lift pass, ANY ski equipment was twice the price of Europe. Food and drink was very expensive in the mountains. BUT the skiing was amazing. They say America and Canada have champagne powder, I thought it was bull, but its actually true. Their snow is far better, very light and doesn't congeal like in our cold/mild temps in Europe. Yeah night life, well there is some, but not like Europe. We were staying 1hrs drive from the mountains but still managed to get to Beaver Creek, Loveland, Breckinridge and Aspen. All really great places. Even had my first experience of oxygen starvation due to skiing at altitude, its all very strange being out of breath just getting off the ski lift. That trip had a bad ending though, ended up with 13 stitches in my head and a $2,500 bill. That was the day we had a day off skiing and decided to get drunk. I've learnt my lesson, alcohol and impersonating Jackie Chan doesn't mix.
  8. Wicked Tim as always. Not a big fan of trees especially when they cut a few down only to find a stump underneath. Did some off piste in America, heck that was 12 years ago now (doesn't time fly). Best powder I've ever skied, large open free off piste. Just gota watch out for the double diamond runs, advisable to take a medic with you just in case.
  9. Wasso

    GTR Factory

    I'm not convinced, when my mate came round with his GTR I said come on then lets go for a spin. He said that he wasn't able to due to the strict guidelines. Here's the procedures. Until 300 miles (500 km): Do not depress the accelerator pedal more than halfway and avoid rapid acceleration. Drive with the engine speed kept at less than 3,500 RPM. Avoid unnecessary quick steering, abrupt braking and driving on poor roads. 300 to 600 miles (500 to 1,000 km) Avoid rapid acceleration in a low gear (1st to 3rd gears) with the accelerator pedal fully depressed. Depress the pedal slowly. Avoid unnecessary quick steering and abrupt braking. Drive with the suspension setup switch in the COMF mode to allow more suspension stroke. 600 to 1,200 miles (1,000 to 2,000 km) Drive with the engine speed kept relatively high. Shifting is recommended between 1st and 4th gears The guys at the test track clearly don't follow any of the above, so why would the "owner" be forced to follow the above, despite it being flogged round their test track? After the 1,200 miles the car is then taken into their GTR dealership and given a full check over.
  10. I believe there are screws (4) which hold the gaiter in place under the gear surround. Take it off, unscrew and pull out the old gaiter. The new gaiter will need to then feed into the same place and affixed with screws again. A very easy job really. Get the surround off and start unscrewing
  11. Wasso

    GTR Factory

    If that be the case, why do they have to be driven with strict breaking in procedures for 2,000 miles. Just seems strange?
  12. Nice one smudge And BIG weeeyheeyyy to Daz.... Good show mate, perseverance is clearly the highlight of the day. Smudge hope you've got some new wheels.....
  13. Everyone has an opinion as exampled in this thread. We're not having a direct dig at the chap, so maybe you should back off a little. Like I said if he likes it that's all that matters, and we're all entitled to an opinion.
  14. Wasso

    GTR Factory

    +1 especially when you bring a GTR into the midst of things, ensuring the right team are on hand at the right time, then hey presto there pops up an engine just in time to be married with the car. Epic!
  15. Just be very careful about what you say as a trader on an open forum.
  16. For me especially from the rear I see this. If you like it that's really all that matters, but man its frickin out of proportion with the car? Brave man í ½í±
  17. Wasso

    GTR Factory

    Just watched the entire clip and very interesting. Although they say that once produced they send it out to a chap to thrash it out on their test track, so the new customer is able to drive it on a track straight away. So why then did my mate when he got once was told to break the car in gently as per the warranty guide. For instance no rev's above 2.5k etc. Apart form that great clip doog's
  18. That's a nice car and sounds a treat. I'd buy it as a runaround but knowing you the electrics maybe an issue. GLWTS. I'm sure it'll end up a good runner
  19. Lambo's have always been my favourite since childhood. My first driving day had the opportunity of driving the Mercialago and Fez 360. I've always hated the look of the 360 so there was no way that I'd be driving that first. The lambo looked amazing including inside, sounded fantastic but felt the lambo was missing something. Drove the 360 and loved every minute of it. Drove like a supercar and felt like a supercar. For me I was horrified of my lambo experience, shattered all my dreams, but then that's only one lambo, so I won't judge the rest. Looks like a real good gift and you'll love the experience no matter which you drive.
  20. It's a little expensive but I'd say that's based on the fact the karts are more powerful.
  21. I'm probably going to think on £45/50 that's really expensive for a karting track. But then again these do 65mph!! 1100m track hmmmm why not just open the barrier and we'll take them out for the Sunday drive Q: For that price what are you actually getting?
  22. Deffo wasn't you else I'd have wound my window down and asked you how much for a detail Ha ha nice one I very rarely see any 50's but see two 70's daily, they can't be forum folk as they never acknowledge my frantic flashing of lights and waving of hands! they probably just assume there's a speed trap ahead !! Possibly? In fact I saw a 3rd 70 this morning and he didn't acknowledge either. Maybe 70 drivers don't know what a 50 is all about and think we're a bit fruit loop?
  23. Deffo wasn't you else I'd have wound my window down and asked you how much for a detail Ha ha nice one I very rarely see any 50's but see two 70's daily, they can't be forum folk as they never acknowledge my frantic flashing of lights and waving of hands!
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