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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. They look ok, wouldn't buy one because its boring. *edit* AND over priced!!
  2. I had heard also that CinCity had a reputation, as well as a stupid cost.
  3. Very nice. Those tips are my favourite by a long mile.
  4. Here's their Facebook page. http://m.facebook.com/cincitydesigns?id=96471546452&_rdr I had a message and quote from him but found the cost, inconvenience and risk of loss or damage outweighs the gain of pretty lights. I just flash my lights instead
  5. You can have normal lights, the iron man light effects are remote controlled. I'll find the necessary info.
  6. If that's from the guy who makes them in America, then make sure you've got a lot of cash. You'll have the cost of sending him your lights, fit the parts and returning costs. I think it works out to be about £600!
  7. Ha ha nice one. Ooooh do tell.... now I'm excited - what is it? (Don't you dare make me wait till the morning!!) Sorry PM on the way PM Received I'll just tend to this first. Okay Mr Jordan, the anodisers said they tried the darkest purple possible, and this is the result. I've matched it again the Cadburys purple and it is a couple of shades down, and this is the best it's going to get I'm afraid. With age it should become darker naturally. The best way to example the true colour is to look at the pics and then look either right or left of the flash glare, and that's your colour.
  8. Okay here's the pics as promised, later than my scheduled "this morning" but was running late. Please note, these pics actually portray the colours more brightly due to the flash. Without the flash the camera struggles to pick the colours correctly due to the reflection. Anyone used the new photobucket layout......they've removed the multi select pictures so that you can get all IMG codes at once. Now you have to do it one by one!!
  9. You need an adapter to connect your new head unit to the BOSE system. Checkout the pinned items in the ICE section to reveal the necessary.
  10. They are the standard rims. If you have spare cash upgrade pronto
  11. Well when I'm down at the Zed Shed next, and the boys of the Zed Shed setup a meet, hopefully at the same time maybe catchup and get some shots. A pint or two your way for the pleasure.
  12. I'm well impressed, where are you based. See you tomo night (I can see next years calendar all being night shots )
  13. Ha ha nice one. Ooooh do tell.... now I'm excited - what is it? (Don't you dare make me wait till the morning!!)
  14. :lol: If I pass over a phone pic it won't give you the true pic, without the flash they look off colour, and with the flash over colour. Can't win. Although the DSLR picked them up perfectly.
  15. Patience my friend....... until the morning..... then I'll post up pics of them all. You're seriously telling ME to have patience?! you don't know me very well sir! Yes and I'm sure you'll be very good at it till the morning. Just dream of purple things and all will become clearer!
  16. Patience my friend....... until the morning..... then I'll post up pics of them all.
  17. Okay fresh update. The spacers have been anodised apart from one (red) which I wasn't happy with so they've been asked to do it again. I should have it back by Friday. The others are in, the Gold is rather nice, and purple, well, I best no say, as it might be one of those 50 shades of purple. I have taken a photo with my phone, but as it's evening the colours don't look right via the phone. So I've since taken a picture with my DSLR but as my laptops playing up it won'd read my SD cards anymore (ever since I did a system restore). So I'll take a pic tomorrow morning in the daylight to portray the colours correctly. I'm just waiting on the gaskets to be provided, which also should be the end of the week. So hopefully all should be ready some time next week. I'll send PM's for the balances due on the list.
  18. In what respect, detailing or polishing? I'm in Dublin weekend of the 16th March, but not sure my Mrs would allow me to disappear for working purposes.
  19. Loving the first two pics - very nice
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