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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. They are about 1/2 a mile from me if that. They're not bad, fair selection of cars, they don't seem to buy crap. If there's issues they have their own garage as well (Westley Garage). We we're going to buy from them a while ago and the only thing that stopped us was their very low trade in price. Nothing bad to report otherwise.
  2. Ha ha slacking, got 3 other projects going on in the background, I'll be kicking these off in March. Nipple Bars no problem Dave, any preference on size or aren't you fussed?
  3. If you decide to go down this route, please do make a build thread, I'd be interested to see it. Was flirting with the idea yesterday, but after spending over £20k in mods and repairs on my car, I think it's time I stopped and got a life! LOL Do you think with a project like this it would be kept secret, no way Jose!! I'd be taking more pictures than Clown on a bad day
  4. First non super branded 7" I found was £79, whether its any good is another question.
  5. Have I lost the point here? Why would you do that? He looks like a Pucking Frat! I'm sorry but people like that should be burnt, no use for them on this planet?
  6. Or just go to RSW in Japan as all their parts are made for right hand drive vehicles.
  7. Funny you say that, I also have a wind noise which I can hear normally at 30mph, although I think mine is related to my side skirts, as there's a very small gap between the top of the skirt and corner of the door. My thoughts are that wind circulates at a certain speed, which I'm presuming is the cause.
  8. You're looking at around £10k then installation and tuning. Stick block couldn't tell you, it's not something I've wanted to investigate, as the LSA comes the numbers I'd want to achieve so I've no need to find out really. I guess having a gander on the LS forums in America would answer that one.
  9. Andy I'm afraid we have a huge amount of Red Zeds around the Midlands, so you may just get ignored as they're so common down here.
  10. I use these for the removal of any wax. Supper plush and luxurious. http://www.chemicalguysuk.com/Microfiber_Max_Towels_p/micrmax.htm
  11. Yes I've seen the Sikky kit, and as per my discussions with Lexx there's suitable source of parts and modifications from Monkfish in Milton Keynes. So there's some support and future mods possible. The Monaro doesn't do it for me, the sound and performance is superb, but I don't want a 4 seater vehicle. The LS swap for me just seems like a perfect idea, whilst being unique at the same time. I actually found an advert for an LSA, but at £1,300 it just sounded FAR too good to be true, so I left it. Luckily there's a GM importer in Cannock not far from me, although pricey can supply all that I need. Alternatively I could source from America, but for simplicity the Cannock outlet is likely to be my choice, unless I can find a CTS-V in the UK with all the necessary parts undamaged.
  12. Goods are on their way, I'll PM tracking numbers later. Please don't forget pics and if you need any assistance just let me know. Thanks guys
  13. Nissan give you a performance car that is well within their reliability and drive ability guidelines. All the Uprev does is unleash the added bonuses which Nissan hold back from you. It's like an iPhone, Apple lock it down for their benefit, we jailbreak it to get the most out of the phone. Same as the Uprev, and trust me Mark wouldn't give your car back so that you can break it, otherwise you'll be knocking on his garage doors like a raged bear. I've had Uprev for nearly 3 years now. Couldn't speak more highly of its additions to driving the car.
  14. Glad to see an oficial build thread at last. Thoroughly enjoyed your story Bob. This for me is my favourite look, or the one at the Midlands meet.
  15. +1 saw martins at LakeZ last year and almost fell over in love (with the colour that is)
  16. Hey you lot leave me alone.... I did like Martins rims but didn't like the polished lip with the darker shades of my car. Then the RE030's I actually really liked but not feeling the 18" fronts. So on that basis I've put wheels out my mind for now. To be fair I keep looking at my Rays and still really like them, especially in Anthrecite. Anyway I need to save my cash at the mo.
  17. Fifth gear yes it's on Discovery or something which is a bit odd. Well I had forgotten the whole show till I read this thread update. Very poor, funny in places but guys come on, get back to the decent stuff we love. The next two weekends should be good and will recover well I think.
  18. Takes note to call Ian Linda at the next meet
  19. +1 on that. @Chubby - I'd do whatever I can to the engine before it put in, but it doesn't just stop at an engine, transmission, ECU, cooling, clutch etc. So it would be a big and unique build.
  20. Wasso

    C/f coolant cover

    Drilled the holes. Simple fix.
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