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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. How did you get your car upside down, that's one way to work underneath without a lift?
  2. They will collapse once they get nice and hot.
  3. Wasso

    Polished Rays

    It's not about keeping them clean, more the case of corrosion.
  4. OMG you managed to clear that unit (mad as well be its that big) of all the parts and bits you've collected. Good show that man. So what sort of "work" will occur in the workshop?
  5. I actually saw the advert with the ponies last night but couldn't tell you what it was advertising, then thought naaaaah that couldn't have been findus for sure, but see how they've done it. Very clever.
  6. any updates on the these? Payco has recently placed an order for ends and piping just for the ARC catch can and it was around the £140 mark, so going full braid on coolant as well I can't see being cheap. For instance you're looking at £22-30 per mtr. Then around £8-10 per end.
  7. I've got his number if you want it, but not sure if its still valid?
  8. Thanks again all, had a fantastic day despite having a day at work as usual. Received some new tops, golfing bits, cufflinks (as you probably would have guessed (iPhone 5)), sennheisers headphones, and the special surprise - 2 days and one night at Alton Towers Hotel and priority ticket on the new coaster called the Smiler. So now I'm a year older and edging oh so closer to 40!!
  9. I run the ELM ii as he likes to call it via wi-fi using Dash Command.
  10. Looks cool but then you could map anything a d I'd believe it was the net
  11. + Billion! Search net for a 2006 GT with nav and under 40k miles, I'm sure you'll save a few grand. Get the HR at the same price as they're quoting if not less? Get walking or tell them you want it for £9k
  12. Wowzers! thanks for messages fellow Zedders, feeling the love. I don't have any polished gifts and I'll have a few drinks this evening over a nice curry with my superb lady. I didn't ask for much this year and didn't get much but then there's a celebration tonight so hopefully a nice surprise awaits me, especially after giving Jayne for Christmas 4 days in Dublin to see Girls Aloud - all expenses paid next weekend. No pressure darling! I'll also be working this weekend so no time for getting sloshed, I'll save that for May Here's to another year of Zeditis!! Cheers ALL!
  13. Wasso

    Tasteful ?

    I can't say wow, but it does catch my attention for being different.
  14. Not blocked here . . . and Keep it secret till it goes live, if not its our international secret....
  15. They just said they released it the daft bastards!! It will appear at some point then.......
  16. You and me both explain - 'cos I don't know what an sql error is anyway It means there's a problem with the Flux capacitor and can only be fixed by Admin.
  17. just out of interest what db does the forum run on? mysql? Nah not mysql, its hissql
  18. He's always on the Ball...... See what I did there
  19. Had it all day intermittently.
  20. Wasso


    That's pretty good, I'd post a copy in here..... http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/43372-funnyodd-signs-or-pictures-spotted/
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