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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Wasso

    Welcome Sam

    Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam Sam A for sale thread coming to a forum near you soon.....
  2. For something as small as badges you'd have no issue in bringing a bag load in. It's when you turn up with a 6ft x 5ft box they nab you. I also believe there's an allowance of products before tax anyway.
  3. You got it, 2 years ago+. That kit fitted like a glove, ok there were some thin parts of fibre but its done me proud for the last two years. You and your Zeds
  4. Sounds good enough. Still keep an eye on them as they seem a very good price if you know what I mean.
  5. Just be very careful about what these hoses can or cannot do. I'm not saying they're going to be pants, but just keep an eye on them.
  6. Is that to me ? Sorry yes, cos I bought your original one as you were selling the car etc, and now you've got another. Some people are lucky to see one in their hands let alone two
  7. Just out of curiosity how come this is now your second V2?? How did you come about getting another??
  8. Checkout the For Sale threads as there's a ARC CAI up for grabs.
  9. They have to be polished first before anodising adding cost. The motordyne ones are raw cut then anodised which is why theirs pick up dirt and look tatty after a period of time.
  10. I actually enjoyed it. Okay so it wasn't fantastic, but some very humorous bits. Just shows how you can bash the hell out of a £1,500 car and still judt about make it. Some epic car failure though. Dave I'd stick to Antiques road show if I was you
  11. Motordyne Shockwave TDX V2!
  12. A little bmw 328, cracking price so should be a source of cheap fun for the year. Would have loved an elise but there were slight practicality issues The fact that you'd never fit inside? Great to hear guys...... Whenever you've got some track time let me know and we can heads up a meet.
  13. Epic lads and lasses So ermmmm, sand blasting eh...... I'm going to send you something to test
  14. I wouldn't say no to some female hand relief.
  15. Haha Touched a nerve Probably in one of those worn down fingers Anyway your Zed is far from a garage queen Nah not at all, you actually hit the nail right on the head to be fair. The interior is always last priority. Been polishing plenums today, wet and dry so yes fingers cold and a bit worn down.
  16. Dunno what you're on about Dave
  17. My facelift steering wheel lights are there. You've also got the passenger footwell net. Coin drawer instead of cup holder. Lights in the centre arm sliding part, as well as in cup holders. I think that's about it?
  18. Like I say some cars may need it, its not a necessity of any kind, unless you are trying to solve earthing issues.
  19. I'm sure a trader on here (don't hold me to this but possibly Horsham) did some tests, it showed less electrical noise, and possibly a smoother idle (possibly for higher mileage vehicles). Benefit, if you think it might help any other issues. Worth it, not for the point of performance. Looks, if you like that sort of thing. Will you notice anything if you removed it, possibly not.
  20. Also the spacer colour seems to match well with the oil cap I have to say this will be one bay I'll be watching closely, good luck with it all
  21. Cheers for the many mentions I have to say you've done well with the strut feet area. I wouldn't fuss too much on the plenum if its being polished. The spacer looks brilliant and will look even better once the polished plenum goes on. Impressed
  22. Ahhhhhhhh I see, great idea. Leave them be, no need to paint them. I was supposed to collect Friday but he wasn't ready, so I'm collecting Monday night instead. So I'll get it in the post Tuesday for you
  23. Great update You and Bob make great companions, and really good you both get on well, all thanks to Zed life
  24. How did you get your car in sideways? 300 point turn? Good finish with the arms etc. Don't forget the bushes are eccentric. Looking good though buddy
  25. url in the middle That's the easiest way, or link into photobucket is the other.
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