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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Rosie wouldn't suit eyelashes, she's more of a shoulder pad kinda girl.
  2. Nadine was my favourite from the beginning, but since they've matured a little Kimberley seems to be turning into a hot woman!
  3. :lol: Have you fallen out of love with RT or something Peter? Having parts made elsewhere is scandalous!
  4. Search criteria.... Japanese Throat Singing Fishing WTF!!!! If you're bored get a zed and start moding for Christ sake! MEDIC!!!!
  5. Yeah yeah yeah. "For your other half", really??? I wondered who this CD belonged to when I found it in the car park after the last West Mids meet. Must've fell out your car mate when you were showing the engine bay off I'll give it you back when I next see you. Shhhhhhh They're actually quite good in concert, was well impressed with their entrance I'm Newcastle. To be fair though we were both half cut by the time they came on I'm not normally a "pop" kinda guy, but anything to please the good lady.
  6. Superb like this one.... http://anandarestaurant.ie/ It's a bit out of town, but the plan is to have a nice dinner before naked girls, so it shouldn't hurt to take a taxi out. Thanks for the heads up Mr G
  7. Thanks Mr G, I'll take a gander on there, never thought to get a web review. Pics will follow when I return (hopefully of naked girls aloud)
  8. Thanks Will Well, I purchased for my other half tickets for Girls Aloud in Dublin, one of her favourite cities, and I thought may as well make a weekend of it. She's already seen them in Newcastle but as this is claimed to be their final tour, I thought she'd like the idea. That was until I realised it was slap bang in the middle of Paddy's day and the hotel prices are far from cheap. We did Dublin about 5 years ago and was about 10 mins from town, so this time to make life easier I thought within the drinking district would suit save getting Taxi's everywhere. Paying the price though at £170 a night. We love a good curry and it'll be nice to dine in a preferred and recommended establishment whilst on our trip. Funny you say Southall, we live in Brum, so we have a million and one curry houses up here. In fact I've even been given training in my local curry house to make the "takeaway" curry at home.
  9. That's a good price if carbon lip and canards
  10. I thought you'd not read correctly when you said Hagley road Cheers matey
  11. Can somebody recommend me a VERY GOOD curry house, price no problem as my Dad has treated me and the good lady for our Birthdays. We're staying Bar side of the river, rather than the shopping side, but happy to Taxi anywhere in town to get a super curry. We're staying 4 days, so happy to trial more than one
  12. He's a Zed owner again From the above questions I can only direct you to the SEARCH FACILITY!!! If you can't find the answer its because its the driver at fault.
  13. Thinking about it I've had mine just over 3.5 years and still love her. Even tonight was a great de-stree, hitting the twisties and feeling the bite of the tyres and feeling the G's pile on, then the V6 and Zorst sing down the road. Love it!!
  14. Wasso

    Stuff to do!

    Terrible exhaust I'll give you £50 and a Twix chocolate bar.
  15. Nah Dave that looks terrible you need a new one, then you can keep the mod list alive Fair cop on the local car wash, saves getting your hands dirty I suppose.
  16. That's wicked, great stance too. I was hoping you'd not crashed your car...... Thankfully just a cake. Looks tasty though...
  17. Wasso

    Polished Plenum

    I'm based in Brum but can deliver no problem. It's on a exchange basis, so I send you a polished plenum and you return your old one. Cost all in £140, which considering the time it takes isn't worth it, so I do it for the love of the forum. There is a current queue of 3 so it may well be May before I can provide you one.
  18. I can't believe I actually clicked to see your knob, is that bad?
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