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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. My super stubby was £4.99 and I think came from a CRZ or something or other. Good find though Bob, save a few pennies and the pounds will look after themselves (ready for another Mod)
  2. I drove Will's Rosie as my first 70 drive. Did I like it, yes I liked it, would I swap..... Not yet no, until I'm bored of the 50, and that will be the only reason to change. This is probably the reason for a lot of people, they get bored of the 50 or want something new. Is it better, in some respects yes. The interior without a shadow of doubt is FAR better. Exterior doesn't do it for me and would cost up to 3k to correct. The exhaust tone, well, that's another 1k on top. So before I even start to love the 70 I'd need to spend a lot of cash. Now I have the facelift revup, did I make the right choice, possibly, should I have gone HR, well at the time it was out of my budget, but had I if got one I'd be best pleased with the added power. Do you swap the HR for a 70, its all about if you like or love the 70. Do you want fresh smelling leather, are you happy with the 70 in standard form? There's a number of variables only you can answer and a test drive of maybe one or two will help you make that decision.
  3. Just remember that when you take the bumper off that you don't close the boot as your boot release stays with the bumper. You can always use the manual opener under the strut but just be aware etc.
  4. I'm dead sure they screw into the bumper. You should see the screw holes on the bumper nearest on this pic.
  5. That's not the point. I'm relating a video to a certain point in time. Mods cancel that uncalled for Video is a repost is it not? Therefore, I am correct. You should have made your intentions clearer. I'll be honest and say I've never seen this video here or on youtube, so prove me wrong. That's my challenge to you
  6. Nice car, the V2 looks great on a cabrio!
  7. That's not the point. I'm relating a video to a certain point in time. Mods cancel that uncalled for
  8. There was a video posted about a year ago which I was highly impressed with. I remember back in the good old days, I had a Hornet and a Grasshoper.
  9. Double post (forum having a right tizwas these days)
  10. This was the first F1 GP I've watched in over 10 years only because its been naf. Agree with Graham but don't agree with why its a team rule. Same with rallying, and its a shame a driver can't drive. Seb was lucky to be alive with the block made by Webber, another 8" and there'd been an all mighty mess. To be fair I enjoyed F1 today for the first time in a loooong time.
  11. Yeah I'm feeling that, but go careful with the cheap carbon that mocked around a while ago. I had two and both warped. You need to pay decent cash for a good carbon piece. Surely something you could do with the existing one. I know Chris would have ideas, leave it to him, and you have a badass result I'm sure.
  12. Ouch don't leave it to me, you guys seem to be the creative duo. BUT...... If I had full control of the situation I'd love to do this.....
  13. He don't look happy to me..... Good job you've got a high garage to accommodate tall Dave
  14. The engine cover looks odd now, I think it needs your attention of creativity. Get to work boys
  15. Agreed just had a blackout and been VERY slow on and off all day.
  16. Oh Jim you've made me propper PMSL!! Of course Will she was rather dramatic, but to be fair I'd have been saying what she said with Bennett driving.
  17. Intro: Some may know that a couple of years ago Bennett (GT4 Zed) and Will370z went to the Nurburgring. Bennett has shall we say had a fair few laps round the ring and likes to drive competitively. Will's first visit to the Green Hell couldn't have been with a lesser intent but to drive VERY FAST! Will enjoyed the drive but had a wee moment when Bennetts passenger door handle came off in Will's hand. Fear or a knackered handle I'm not sure. But this moment happened I feel at the 10k stage in this video. Now imagine Bennet driving and Will being the passenger. I'm sure Will wouldn't have been as dramatic, but I'm sure it was somewhat like this, especially the geography of the track info from Bennett, no offence just a bit of fun. Enjoy the in-car footage of Will and Bennett, found and for the viewing public.
  18. Yes it matters. It's not just a case of the occasional spelling mistakes which may be acceptable on a quick fire discussion board, but these are the wrong words used in the wrong context. Why should the reader have to work out what the writer is trying to say because they are too lazy to correct it themselves? You have the capability of using the internet, ergo, you are seconds away from an online dictionary. It's basic language. If you want to be understood, use the right words. this is just a motoring forum, not a job application or a newspaper article. as long as people get the gist then I cant see a problem. If someone uses the incorrect word e.g. their some lovely wheels you have there. then its pretty obvious what there trying to say and shouldn't require too much working out. Agree with you there Russ, but half of it is bone idle laziness. No thought into what their, sorry there, no I mean they're writing about.
  19. I know the poster of the video. He took it down due to request from the driver of DC5 owner in the video. He was apologetic and considering we all do silly things when we're young, hopefully he has learned a bit of lesson from this. Also the comments just descended into racist abuse, which is unacceptable. A 'bit' I hope it's a bloody good lesson the way he was driving and harassing other drivers in the way he he did. Totally unacceptable in my book. In fact if the police saw what he was doing he'd lose his licence, well I hope an idiotic and irresponsible driver such as him would. Doing 100mph+ on the wrong side of the road and was lucky not to kill somebody or himself!! Complete scum of the earth. There's being stupid as a youngster but he's over stepped the mark. Full stop!
  20. textured, crinkle cut. Smooth one looks good. I'm going to send you a picture and its highly confidential, even Bob can't browse as he'll really like it, I just know it.
  21. Looking much better Bob. You wanna get your powder coater to prep the plenum a bit more, so that you can get a nice smooth surface
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