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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. First there was "Mad Drivers" then "Mad Truckers" and "Mad Crashes of Russia" Now its time for the bikes..... You may cringe at some of the accidents that involve cars or tricks, but now think of those which have nothing more than their leathers as some choose not to wear helmets or leathers at all. Some horrific and some funny.... 8:20 I had to laugh. It's very long so maybe something to look back at in snippets. http://youtu.be/5aoT1Nwo7UI
  2. Is that with our without the "in-pipe" HFCs? Mark@Abbey was under the impression that the car wouldn't pass MOT even with them so you may need so standard cats or friendly tester for MOT time unless you swap your ARTs for HFCs. That's the only thing that put me off... glad I did though, I'm looking forward to picking up my car this week with a new custome titanium job. You kept that quiet young man I have a great MOT station that works with me to ensure my car is legal.
  3. I'm afraid that Vik is a of the Saw this on TV when it was aired and I pi$$ed myself with laughter...... But..... Always worth another watch
  4. Thats why we're camping in the bus and not staying at Moreton And always remember "if the caravan is rocking don't come a knocking!" Just remember to lock the doors of an evening Chris, with this motley crew, anything could happen!!
  5. They do I've already checked with Tony at MD. I just want to see if they'll pass a decent discount to you and if so make a purchase. 12weeks would be fine.
  6. Ahhh a spacer not a plenum (Adrian ) I was gonna say! :s Adrian really needs the Cosy plenum
  7. Price me the TDX 2 without XYZ. Best price shipped to my house (need a super smashing fantastic price) No rush as it'll be after Wales me thinks.
  8. Colin, you know as well as I do that Wales has its own climate, and that our wonderful weather people couldn't forecast the next 48hrs let alone a month away!!
  9. WTF!!! Next level challenge - gonna take some working out!!
  10. There will be a few to listen to now. Shame Sam McGoo can't make it. Nice work to all, but you're gonna be putting some miles on the clock. Just out of curiosity how many miles on your Zed?
  11. I've driven with a BBK (k sport) and they're a huge step up from oem or even DBA's. The bigger disk and added brake pistons make for far improved braking. There's no harm for street use and you'll have far better braking, but as CS has said, you would see a huge difference on track.
  12. Don't give me none of that ninja sh*t......give me numbers.......now damn it! 2 I thought you were a teacher Rich, he requested numbers (plural) always read the question
  13. You'd need the entire bodywork to be made of Aluminium in which to do so. But yes would be VERY cool!! (Apart from stone chips)
  14. Is that all you did, the wing mirror? FAIL Good show mike but we need some pics of the car to see the true effect.
  15. All I can say is I wonder how many other car forums have this much love. You all deserve an award for generosity. There's just some really nice people here and I'm so glad that I either know them well or just frequent with their banter on the forum. There's no better place than www.350/370z-UK.com Brilliance!!!
  16. Best hangover cure!! Fact You're right especially after a double sausage oooooooer!! Feel miles better now. Just need to get a taxi now back to the venue.
  17. Late parts flippin typical. This was a slick operation up until that part. A good job I wasn't attending today as I've got a wicked hangover and stood now in the queue for a McDonalds breakfast. The events look fun at the Zed shed and great to see dedication to those with Zeditis. I hope Adrian is funding all these food breaks. Good on the girls for keeping the workforce happy
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