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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Looking smart Bob, nice colour, bet you're well chuffed!
  2. Sorry to hear this news Neil, here if you want to chat anytime. What I will say and I'm sure your dad would have said the same..... You're Zed look cracking, pictures too. RIP
  3. When you say high, how high, 28? If so yes my mates 28 and whilst a challenge loved it, apart from the hills. There's some amazing holes.
  4. For the Revup you need the Motordyne MREV 2. Otherwise there are no or minimal gains from the spacer alone. It's basically a modified pre-Revup lower manifold.
  5. Heythrop Park resort. Been there once when I was living in Chipping Norton. If you're 'fit' go with trolleys, if you're a leisure man get a buggy. Trust me this course is hilly but really nice. Spa and hotel also. http://www.heythroppark.co.uk/cp4.php Here's a shot looking back at the tee for the 13th I believe, pond at the bottom and green right of shot.
  6. Wasso

    Plenum Spacer

    PM received and replied to Fuli, thanks Jeff for the promotions An additional benefit over the motordyne is the fact mine are polished and anodised, therefore cleaning the spacer from engine oil/grime is far easier. The motordyne is laser cut and anodised grey. Although because their laser cutting is super rough, the dirt builds up and looks bloody horrible, and therefore cleaning it isn't easy! (That's if you're an engine bay cleaning type of guy)
  7. Sure I can reserve one for 7 days not a problem. Keep me posted, although if anyone shows interest after the 7 days then I'll release to the next person Good luck at the weekend
  8. PM replied to and sold. That now leaves just two blue and one orange left. Thought I only had one of each left. Once they're gone..... They really are gone
  9. If you have no luck in the UK, try my350z as a few have come up recently. Not sure on specs but they're out there (used).
  10. Love the detail, looks busy as you say, but different, which is always great to see. Get's a little boring seeing the "same" engine bay.
  11. ^^^ in effect YES Ian will confirm this stuff will take paint off the side of a boat!!
  12. I think it's just one of each, Blue, Red and Orange. Let me know if any of those tickle your fancy.
  13. Thanks all for the birthday wishes School night I'm afraid, just a couple of bottles, I mean glasses Well, I've not exactly got a car to talk about...... blame that on Keyser and his land construction zone! Otherwise, I've just been busy with work, golf and enjoying the time I get away from work. You'll have to come over at some point, chat the hind legs out of the evening! Jayne did of course lay on a spectacular evening of food, drink, gifts and (for my eyes only)
  14. Cheers Andy, well there's not a drop of Nivea in sight..... Just heaps of red wine and curry is the secret. Oh and loads of late nights and early mornings Had to work so there's no chance of a relief day, but having a good knees up next weekend and spending the weekend away. In terms of a build update we've sent all the wiring looms over to Emerald who will marry our mess of wires into a plug and play solution. So that's going to put some waiting time on the clock. Hoping to receive the new loom back in April with a view to sorting out the fluids and getting her started. Thanks for the Birthday wishes, another year older or shall I say another year survived
  15. That's the route my engine took, 6 weeks, cost peanuts, £300 with all handling costs from the agent. Then £100 to be delivered from Harwich to Dorset.
  16. When the number is blocked, the caller is automatically directed to your voicemail.
  17. A well deserved retirement from the forum. Can't say anyone has provided anything more than what Colin has, and I don't just mean representation of the club. Colin has guided many Zed owners along the way, whether it be car advice, knowledge, information, but mostly his dedication to create such epic runs of Wales. But then it's not just Colin, in which June has equally been his wing girl during the Wales weekend and both are totally wonderful folk. Well done and equally a thank you from me and Jayne. You have made both of us feel welcomed under your support at events you've organised. All the best
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