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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Very nice Just needs dropping and spacers
  2. You cannot apply any film for 6 weeks, as the paint needs those time in which to cure and totally harden.
  3. On the passenger side so that he can't see the destruction about to occur That's where the OEM ones are going, battery voltage, blah blah. What destruction? You're going 2.87 right....... Let the fireworks begin.
  4. Here's a before and after. It doesn't pay to do them, by the time you've taken out materials, I'm left with about £5ph and sore fingers. (A mate of mine came over to lend a hand. He didn't get very far as you can see on the left) Thanks for the comments
  5. In prep for Wales the strut bar is off for a re-fresh. And just 1hr away from finishing this - the 6 central bolt areas left to do.
  6. I think we need to get a book going for the arrival time or date for Bennett.
  7. Looks like my car Good work looks amazing (well I would say that!)
  8. Solicitor or anything of the kind? If so PM me
  9. If anyone is 'thinking' about a XYZ pipe, I couldn't recommend them enough. Mine has been solid for now 3 years and some 40k miles. Sound is just perfect if you want to enhance your sound without changing the back box and being able to pass old ladies without giving them a heart attack. Anyone want a video sound clip let me know.
  10. On the passenger side so that he can't see the destruction about to occur
  11. My Mrs always wondered why I had a service 3 times a year, she said its very high maintenance.
  12. PM received and replied. That's 4 cars now..... No more please
  13. We can add to the colour spectrum mate - I did notice yours is in the list as light blue though My +1 is Kim ( the brains of the operation) EDIT: Wasso is going to wash mine early on Saturday Main car cleaning occurs on Friday, Sat morning is for a quick wipe and prep. But more than happy to give her a jetting and some snow.
  14. Also you can't anodise steel. I'd check the actual properties of the metal, or they're not anodised and painted brightly instead.
  15. Good man Chris looking good. What made you go for green If you still need those hoses let me know and I'll pop them in the post.
  16. Plus shipping and tax! Its all good trust me. There was another one but priced higher. They don't come up very often. in anycase I dont want the XYZ as ive already got one. Tempted to go V2 ART pipes .
  17. Don't ruin refinement, your Zorst combo is perfect. It'll border Chav territory if you go stupid loud.
  18. Well done mad Amy, I mean Amy Zed (I really don't know to this day where I got that from) All the best of luck and yes you should be well chuffed, I know I'd be. Congrats and you have my vote
  19. Smug sod It's just the most unpopular colour I don't do popular anyway!
  20. Smug sod It's just the most unpopular colour
  21. Have you not heard, dibs doesn't apply anymore. You have to stand on your bonnet with your boxers down and shout "I want it". That's the only way in which to secure purchases now. D)
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