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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. I can't find that post in question. It would have occurred around 12:20 as this thread was created as a result of the issue. If you are able to do a search that would be cool, but can't find it now.
  2. I knew there was a 4th car I've got to clean
  3. Thought I'd get this started with my prep ready for tomorrow.
  4. You have to be up at the crack of dawn as well if you want to clean your car and have breakfast. Either way there's enough time on the Sat afternoon to clean
  5. Well I don't want Graham jumping on my back and shreaking down my ear to make me have a heart attack. Never again!!
  6. Hmmmmm something strange is going on with the forum. Example: I post something Somebody else posts something after me I go back and edit my post My post after editing now falls under the last post? Despite my post being time stamped prior to the last post??? Very odd, especially is your post contains quotes
  7. Please be mindful of the occupants next door And more seriously your alcohol in blood level in the morning, just saying Oh without a shadow of doubt this isn't a rave, and adults amongst us will behave. I mean last year we played "give us a clue" after a few wines from Adrian. Secondly there's no way I'm waking up with a hangover, it just doesn't work, eh Graham. We shall ALL be good boys and girls Edit! Rothers are you bringing your breathalyser? I think you should, but Martinmac isn't coming to prove his soberness!
  8. Okay the bar shuts at like 11pm or so, and its at this point some 'may' wish to continue drinking. I don't condone or partake in these sort of gatherings as we'll probably have a party in the room I'll be bringing a case of 24 and a few bottles of wine. Always good to have spares
  9. Think yourself lucky Haydn, I have to bring a +1 as well, which includes shoes and handbags, make up and her trolley of booze!!
  10. I have heard all about this designer clay, and I'll have to be honest and think you've lost the plot completely!!
  11. I also think Haydn is taking his too.
  12. Is there an abridged version of the routes that just contains the meeting points? Personally I can find my own roads to drive around if I get lost and meet up later at X time at Y place if needed...not that I'm expecting to get lost... unless I'm following the same guys as last year. Just follow me like last year (remember though I always follow Colin) but this year Colin maybe following somebody else
  13. I like the way he's spelt Plenum "PHELUNM" What a PLENUM!!
  14. They look as if they were made for the Zed. We have a winner
  15. It rained all day in Dudley, well till 3pm. Managed to get home in the dry and cleaned the interior and cleared all my junk out. Oil and fluids topped and checked, hair cut in the morning, shoot back for a super quick detail. Wax her up, seal the rims. Polish the bay and set my crapnav! That should see me ready for the weekend. With the impending rain I think I'll bring my car cover.
  16. Cool you can have your own mini meets like me and Buster Is Mrs Keyser excluded from your mini meets
  17. Coldel did the same. We managed to reduce them but I wasn't prepared to go any deeper with the risk of leaving a minuscule amount of lacquer left.
  18. It's all been tested and works fine, as tested on Darren's car. So nowt to worry about.
  19. It's a plate that holds the MAF in place. Fit to spec, size and dimensions. If you want flow arrows added it'll cost more
  20. Oh for sure Voltage wouldn't change through relocating the MAF plug, but moving it forward will reduce heat being drafted up as you said. Something Darren suggested and personaly agree as it makes sense. I'll get the specs today. But from the pic you can see the pipe construction is for sure thinner than Vortech.
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