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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Trust you to notice the bucket, that Zeditis of yours is terminal I could have sworn it was a Red bucket
  2. Prefer the Greddy ones personally, and the Mu ones need a bloody good clean up.
  3. Wonder why his pm messages to me are signed off Ray then? 24 x optical zoom it says on the Lumix FZ100 I was using Ray and Taras work together, and Ray wasn't the +1 of Taras before you ask Strange that he never clarified the personnel who are at RT seeing that other team members have similarly been 'confused' and I recall addressing him as Ray Must have thought you were
  4. Wonder why his pm messages to me are signed off Ray then? 24 x optical zoom it says on the Lumix FZ100 I was using Ray and Taras work together, and Ray wasn't the +1 of Taras before you ask Cool. That head on shot of my car looks great apart from me being in it
  5. PAH Andy!! I actually weighed myself yesterday 13 stone so there!!
  6. Colin that was Taras, not Ray Nice photos and commentary. Just out of curiosity, what's your Zoom capabilities on that snazzy camera of yours?
  7. Lets sabotage the turquoise road terror, take his spark plugs out, I've done this before, 5 cylinders here we come!!
  8. Good post mate. I'd actually get Mark to set you a conservative map, so that you can slow down a little.
  9. I heard Ken was pushing the boundaries and dislodging cattle grids
  10. +1 +2 Already supporting matey. Need some more material, maybe Wales - we all said its such a shame you couldn't make it.
  11. Hmmm skydive..... Always wanted to do that. Price would be good
  12. I was very tempted to have one last bash at the ET before going home. But I think Jayne had enough by 10am Sunday bless her Also TOP job by Darren looking after the FI'd Zeds.
  13. +999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.99!! A big thank you to everyone! I love this meet with a passion and wouldn't change it for the world. I was rather sad to see the car park like this. Myself and Haydn were the last to leave and it was so quiet and desolate. Not long till the LakeZ.
  14. But it was a worthy one, and I'm surprised you've not shown it off a little more because its the best I've heard in a Zed by a long shot!
  15. All done Ian By 3 Mods confusing the system Nice one Col
  16. That's the problem with driving above 30mph Wil - you miss all the really exciting "high speed action" Well done to Matt for being such a good sport about it though Indeed Don't worry Matt I'm sure attention will be deflected from you in due course at least he didn't get lost (at least twice by my accounting) +1 We were surprised to catch up on Graham driving lonesome in the hills, he'd left his group behind all scrambling for their Sat Nav's and notes.
  17. Pics here peeps!! Can a mod do the honours.
  18. Bit of a thread revival, but well and truly deserved. Had a listen at Adrian's system in Wales, absolutely cracking. The system has a lot of power, depth and clarity and yet only running a small 4 channel amp for the entire system. Beautiful sound mate, well sourced and great quality. Just looking to go shopping
  19. And then there was none...... Roll on 2014....
  20. Just getting up save us some Breakfast!!
  21. The bar is now closed Wales is now over for 2013 The lights are turned off and the cars are resting for their drive home. Thank you Graham and Joy for hosting and organising the event, it may not have been as OCD as Colin and ran like clockwork, but the funny mishaps stay as great memories and have made the weekend all that more interesting and a bloody good laugh. I'd also like to thank those who also contributed to the weekend especially those leading groups out as its not easy. Darren I've enjoyed your enthusiasm with our routes which have been a god damn blast. It's also been great to see old faces and new faces who also now been struck with the Wales bug, we did say it was epic and you now see why. I'd also like to say the charity work and respects given to Macaman and Sparky were spot on. Very touching to see the graphics on Chris's 4x4 paying tribute to them both. RIP guys. It's been a fantastic weekend and I'll be back next year as usual. Thanks all
  22. We're all outside and Matt has just owned up
  23. Sorry but Pamela has just joined us so its still going on..... Oh dear sorry head tomo...... Adrian wheeee is the door?
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