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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. It would cost a fortune and potentially look crap. The guy needs to bin it!
  2. 3 boxes full of SC wrapped in gift paper but in the lounge teasing Kim, not knowing what was inside them
  3. How did you know? That's exactly what I got. It's awesome Is it fitted yet :lol: It should be mapped by now?
  4. Careful as you could end up as a Dad (don't ask) and that will mean YOU have to buy the presents!!
  5. How did you know? That's exactly what I got. It's awesome No way lol really? I think Kim was the only one who didn't know. Even Zmanalex knows You'll enjoy fitting your own charger, but just don't ask for help from the Dualing banjo's
  6. Wasso

    Jag F-Type

    Saw a red one this morning. Good points. 1. Front bumper 2. Doesn't sound too bad, could be better for the price (poss v6 I heard) Bad Points. 1. All of it! 2. Specifically the back end, looks like Toyota designed it. It's just another wannabe Jag in my book. I don't like Aston apart from the Vantage, and I'd rather drive the rest of their range than the wannabe Jag. Sorry doesn't float my boat at all.
  7. Happy Birthday Kim, have a great day, and hope you enjoy your presents, I know I would Have a rest day and pop your feet up, from my other half also.
  8. Anodised......stainless steel. If you've got a nice strut I'd splash out on the Titanium bolts.
  9. In surprised you didn't I would suggest going Titanium that way they shouldn't rust. But, that'll cost you £50+
  10. M10, 30mm with spacer 25mm without, pitch 1.25
  11. That's real bad and I hope your get a result soon mate
  12. I'd be up for that. Of the car that is, I am not desperate enough to resort to blackmail. Don't worry I only want the car
  13. Oh Dave, so that's the end of the Azure days. A very sad day. Wish you all the best in your Jaaaag days to come. Not my cuppa but each to their own.
  14. List updated. The manufacturing companies are on leave this week (standard thing up here). So I'll provide an update early next week.
  15. When did Nissan apply the upgrade?
  16. Wow, and didn't Nissan state there's no need to change these? So technically high mileage cars 'could' have an issue as time goes on?
  17. I know Martin has been in and out of Hospital, I think Martinmac may have his number to call on your behalf etc.
  18. Just done a vehicle tax disk check and its due 1st July. That potentially means its still on the road, somewhere?
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