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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Wonder what the lady in question would say?
  2. Those pics will be in Romania before you know it
  3. I'd say it was perfectly fine.....
  4. Do you also have a PhotoBucket account with your snake? Go on then, show us... Adrian, you should know better than to ask another forum member to see their "snake"
  5. I bet the lady in red will be there. I didn't click page 3 before, but I have now, hmmmm today is a nice day.
  6. I also like the look of these, but not a fan of the sound. A bit quiet.
  7. WTF!! Snake in the kitchen scales!! (I didn't click on the wrong photo)
  8. Glad I've not changed if eBay isn't working?
  9. I'm keeping my PS3 purely because it was one of the originals with backward compatability and the SD slots etc. That way I can play 2 all the way to 4 etc.
  10. Aha yes Happy Birfday young man
  11. That's me putting an order in for the PS4 THE gaming console of the people's choice
  12. I was going to say Haydn, exactly the same plate ending!
  13. Can't wait!! Sony once again rock this market!!
  14. ^^^^^^^^ This! Xbox are gonna lose the gaming platform battle, only because they lost the last one. Don't get me wrong there's nothing bad about the Xbox, but subscription costs and a noisy box for me is a Playstation have marked their territory and Xbox know it. I'm happy to stick with a "gaming" console which Sony will come up trumps with. The old PS3 I recall was about £429 and I bought on launch. I'll do the same with the 4 and I don't care how much it is because their kit is very good.
  15. It's rumoured the PS4 will be cheaper then the Xbox One TV system
  16. This is the plan. Originally we set two weeks to accommodate a paint job. But now with body work and potential delays its going to be very close. I'll know probably during the last week of June if its achievable. It would be a shame to miss but I don't want RT to rush.
  17. I just want to thank all those who've passed comment to this thread. The damage isn't huge by some standards, but I guess the circumstance in which I was involved infuriate us all. I have to be honest and admit the damage and circumstances did affect me especially over the weekend. All the hard work caring and pampering you give the car only for it to be ruined by a knob head! One that probably doesn't deserve to mix in our communities. I think the only way I'll see light at the end of this journey is to see my car in better shape than when it was hit. I've not heard anything from the police but I'll chase them tomorrow to see what they've found out. Nothing I bet. I've been quoted for a rear quarter for the car at £700!! they don't cost that much to manufacture, Nissan are robbing twunts!! Door is being sourced from Tradelink - Thanks Greg. The side skirt is being reconstructed and Taras will apply some nice new paint plus extra mods to keep me happy. My TDX V2 should also go on at the end of the month with service and alignment/suspension adjustments. They say retail therapy helps, so I'm guessing with the exhaust that lot should be about £3k. Did anyone say Zeditis is expensive? As I say thanks again Zed Community
  18. I am afraid so Wednesday - "This car is perfect I am not doing anything to it whatsoever" Friday - "I just bought an exhaust of a bloke on the forum I just joined" You've joined another forum
  19. So here we go. Before I begin, the Police know everything, as I couldn't really hide my hand bleeding and the results of a smashed window. I won't be able to take this via the insurance route as the car didn't have insurance, in addition the car was registered to Harrow on the Hill. They both said there's a very likely chance the car doesn't belong to the house it's registered to as it's a very wealthy area! So.... I'm heading East on the A40 just prior to the Perivale Turn Off. I'm in the outside lane doing around 40mph in slow to medium traffic. There's two cars in front of me, nicely spaced apart. There's a large truck on the inside lane, and roughly 5 car lengths ahead there's a car in the middle lane. I look in my nearside mirror to see a purple Nissan Micra hurtling up the middle lane, I thought "what a knob" next thing I know he's either miss judged, or just been a rubbish driver and clouted my car with an all mighty bang. He does not slow down, he continues in his lane as if nothing happened. I'm in shock, so I follow him and join the middle lane, he then darts off at the junction whilst trying to dodge cars. He is forced to stop at the lights, I jump out my car and demand him to exit the car, he proceeds to lock the car!! I bang the window with force to make it known, I want him out the car. He covers his face so that I can't see his identity. I run forward to the other cars which are stopping him from moving forward and ask them to wait, no matter what to block him in. This is where my love for the car and the devil inside me just erupted, and I'll be honest I didn't even know I was doing it until after the event, because it's not my normal approach (nicely calmly). So I return to his vehicle, rip off his Window Wiper and smash it through his window and attempt to drag him out the car!! He thinks that driving away is the answer and he does, which in hindsight I should have grabbed the keys. So he's belted over pavements almost hitting another car, he approaches stationary traffic and then drives at oncoming traffic to get away. I wasn't going to risk my car getting even further damaged and took it that's the end of that. I look back and a bloke is filming the whole incident, I ask him to follow me to the side of the road to get his details. A chap in a Tesco delivery van does the same. Both local chaps after giving details said they will keep their eyes open to see if he's still around. So I head onward to RT. I get a phone call from one of the witnesses, "I've found his car abandoned" So I head back to where the car has been dumped with keys still left in the ignition. So I call the police and they arrive 30 minutes later. They asked about the entire events and looking at Suzi said, so did you hit him? I said no, which one of the coppers said "you should have done!) I told him the full story and he said I don't blame you. So they were totally cool about the situation. I mentioned that I want everything done possible to find this little scrotum. So I provided all the necessary details. They offered to get forensics down, but said they may not come down with such a low level crime, I said look, you've got to do something! They agreed to get the car collected and take it back for forensics, as there was some good items in the car in which to examine. I doubt I'll hear anything, but they felt my pain and agreed to do what they could for me. Nice blokes. So that's it really in a nutshell. I probably shouldn't have put as much detail in this and if Mods wish for it to be doctored just let me know. So now I have a load of inconvenience and further cost! Thank god Taras has been accommodating to fix not just the paint, but now some bodywork and a skirt!
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