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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Won't work on iPhone...... Days watch on youtube but it won't link. Post a URL link if you could Vik
  2. Wasso

    Trackday toy

    The MX went ages ago.
  3. Positive review...... Quite like the meal deals at Subway Anyone buying this kit will be mighty impressed with the sub, considering its slim perspective it actually performs very well. Nice and loud. GLWTS.
  4. Given your for the 350/370 in comparison to your jag and S2000 at every opportunity on here, no wonder really We all left you behind exiting Dartford toll booth quite some time ago. Don't tell me you weren't pushing
  5. No. He was purposely sat there with the camera rammed in his face so that he would catch the worst of the breaking surf. It's boring, scripted, Grandmar humor. I watch it in the vague dying hope that there may be 10 minutes of the new Jag, or M5 or any other interesting car that Top Gear WAS famous for. Best watch something else then if that's how you feel.
  6. Ian you will find this absolutely hilarious mate http://youtu.be/YRsd_Iu-42E No that is THE worst prog ever put on TV, thing is my nan used to love it
  7. Love the rims..... But then I loved your 5zigen rims you had before. Coming along real nice but the vents of the chargespeed would have suited those rims so nice.
  8. You bloody boring lot! You're all getting too old. So nobody laughed at the misfortune of May on the boat, I cracked up.
  9. Yes very good. Nice boat and a good race. The speed camera thing has been going on for years. I was snapped on the M25 doing 92 in the outside lane just prior to the A3 heading anticlockwise. Then all of a sudden snap!! Smile for the camera. No gantry lights were on! That was some 12 years ago. Looking forward to next weeks show
  10. I think the front is about £900 but you can get second hand in the US. I was actually going to get one instead of the V2 but really unsure about the extended nose.
  11. Anyone know what front bumpers are on these? Nismo V3
  12. About time Jaguar made something that looks great. Obviously it sounds like a Clio supped up and is missing the orchestral of a v10 for instance, but the look, power and economy allow me to overlook the sound. Thing is what if you're paired up with an Aventador at the lights, you would be jealous. I like it though, very refreshing.
  13. Don't let the smurf see that wiring diagram he'll go red!!
  14. Ha ha funny enough I feel the same way. A lot of love goes into these. Update: plastic feet being collected Monday.
  15. Should we have shortest and tallest as well?
  16. They're pulling your leg on the door Agreed the boot fitment when aligned with the A-pillars isn't perfect. That I think is a Seibon thing but if you can see what you can do then all the better. It'll stop SMD whinging
  17. I think that's a Seibon design fault personaly. I'm sure they'll tinker with it to align back on and we'll see. Trust me it annoyed me too but the weight savings overall do help I think its a out 46kg I've lost from the rear.
  18. Cheers Darren, the red mist was in control of my actions, what "could" have happened had he not driven off I don't know, the police have been absolutely useless in this entire matter. Not even a phone call to me. THEY are the ones who need to catch this tosser, and frankly they've done sod all. With today's technology I could have done more. Not sure exactly why I pay council tax, maybe I should notify them of a discount for services not provided. Chat more Saturday Peter, Keyser hasn't posted mate?
  19. Oh no, Azure not black and grey guys Top job gents great to see some pics As Adrian would say "Is it ready yet?" Did you like my lightweight boot
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