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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Doesn't have to be in any form of good condition, blemishes, scratches or things like that aren't a problem as its going to be laser copied. As long as its intact that's the main aim. FOC is a winner and happy to send over the postage costs. Cheers mucho! (Wasso Industries)
  2. Not very often you see a genuine piece come up for sale. This won't take long to sell. GLWTS!!
  3. All I asked was "Can I get macbook quality but for less" 4 pages on and a lot of discussion.....GET YOUR OWN THREAD!!
  4. Name a Jag with 6.3L and sounds like thunder?
  5. All this jargon is kinda putting me off, like a new language!
  6. Or a normal (non apple) CD/ DVD drive is £30 plug and play Or if you have a desktop you share that for £0 plug & play Starting to love apple even before I've bought one.
  7. I spoke about this with Apple whilst browsing a while ago. External CD/DVD drove is like £70 or something. Plug and play.
  8. Some good comments to approve of Apple and yet none to promote the laptop/windows. Really interesting. I think I'm going to plunge for the Mac. Originally my budget was £500 say for a lappy, and increase to accommodate a Mac to say £700. Problem is I've now seen one at £900 used (i7 13") http://item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewitem?itemId=181195463244 That budget has now gone right out the window.
  9. Thanks Mr G, very helpful. In interested to know though if any comparable laptops out there get even with Mac? Especially the phone market now which is highly competitive with Apple.
  10. Going to finally upgrade my custom Dell 9300 Inspiron now that its 7 years old Want to spend around £500-800 but love the look of the 13" Air maybe used? But is there anything else I should consider that works just as well but for less and maybe new? Spec: Browsing Picture editing Maybe the odd video edit etc... I am using Ableton music software on the Dell and maybe use that on the potential laptop also? Fire me your recommendations!!
  11. Not trying to defer a sale for Chris, but wouldn't bob like to make you one from something and give it some rattle can treatment I want one that fits
  12. Not trying to defer a sale for Chris, but wouldn't bob like to make you one from something and give it some rattle can treatment When I see you Chris make sure you have one hanging around as I'll test fit with the new setup at the rear
  13. Actually considering I'm a small time customer to them, they've treated me really well. In fact the laser cutters are also epic. They have a factory like no other. I'm just small fry but get treated as if I was putting in a £1m order. It of course all started off a bit rocky but now I've got their lead times sorted and how to juggle each manufacturer its working well. Even a new bolt company who had to specially make the M10 1.25 pitch strut bolts came up trumps.
  14. Yes yes, but what bout the car....? Sounds better under load, about 4000rpm plus. What a load of rubble. Husky had a cut off valve thing, sounded like a tractor with no exhaust. Horrific!!!!!
  15. Bloody brilliant!! Love their work. Ordered this morning and by 1pm they were anodised. You can't moan at that.
  16. Wasn't my pic, it was the anodiser he's not very good with photography
  17. Hi Luke - spacer has been anodised ready in Purple. I'll PM you the necessary info for payment and delivery details etc.
  18. I have a set in mind, but need to make a bigger purchase first Personally though if I didn't have a set in mind I'd take these as they are beautiful in the flesh.
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