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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. £165 from play.com http://www.play.com/Electronics/Electronics/4-/49527900/827995388/GoPro-Hero3-HD-White-Edition/ListingDetails.html?_%24ja=tsid:13315%7Ccat:49527900%7Cprd:49527900&$$ja=cgid:7111953897%7Ctsid:48121%7Ccid:130773177%7Clid:54119187777%7Cnw:g%7Ccrid:22715959137%7Crnd:130539133030743230%7Cdvc:m%7Cadp:1o3
  2. Nice Sam, you just need a one piece charge pipe now
  3. Actually only just watched the trailer. Oh my god, this is taking GTA to a higher level. Liking the self constructed missions. I can see many days lost in this game. Brilliant!!
  4. I think he's bored as Chris busy at the mo. he has the bug and feels the need to feed the Zeditus virus.
  5. The Police are on holiday I think? Sorry hold on no, low level crime so they're not interested unless there's been a murder. which there will be if you ever get your hands on em +1 as well as the criminal as well
  6. The Police are on holiday I think? Sorry hold on no, low level crime so they're not interested unless there's been a murder.
  7. Well I have an Apple phone so half way there so to speak. Am I right in saying that's a fair deal for the spec above? Don't wanna be ripped off!!
  8. Better but needs a better paint..... Looks too flat..... What happened to the flowers left over from Nets car?
  9. Cost new would have been £1,339 inclusive of VAT.
  10. Oh and yes thanks for the info everyone, not that I could understand any of it Graham I have your mob number and address so I'm sure I'll get support And yes it looks like the forum is full of Apple geeks and with Adrian around he'll be sure to confuse me even more!! Great forum :)
  11. If you'd asked me I could have used my discount for you. eBay discounts? Nice Its second hand Rich, hence only six months warranty left on it.
  12. I like the main stuff GTAuto GTourismo and COD. Ghosts looks interesting but you have to hold the latest copy of GTA just to shag the ladies
  13. So the answer to my original question has quite clearly been no. So I've now purchased a MacBook Air with the below specifications for £850 delivered. Intel Core i7 @ 2Ghz with turbo charge 256 SSD Hard drive 8Gb Memory @ 1600Mhz Graphics: Intel HD 4000 6 months warranty (Apple) Can't wait now...... Although need to learn the "Apple" way!!
  14. Does that require a Mod to change his forum name to Jaffa??
  15. I was watching this same kind of race on Motors the other weekend. Looks wicked!!
  16. Come on Bob we need to see daylight pics. Your bollocks are clearly swollen at the moment to bravely go with such a change. But each to their own. You're never one one for following others and credit to you for doing something different, but for god sake Bob if you're going to use a rattle can find a tunnel somewhere and do some graffiti. Much love.....
  17. Something a bit like this then. Just shows you what a copy rim can do to your wallet. As the famous saying goes........ DO IT NICE OR DO IT TWICE!
  18. Sorted by the legend that is Mr G :can't think of the smiley code: (the chap who bows)
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