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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. That's what I thought. Nicely put together with the build up to the launch and all of a suspend...... Brapapapapalapapapapapapkakakakakaka BOOM!!! Have bad signal at the mo but will watch the vid.
  2. Do watch out on the fine pitch strut bolts Yes the spacer is the same as the nylon turned spacers. I would post to photobucket bits playing up big time lately. Dimensions ill not be able to give until a couple of weeks as I'm on holiday tomorrow. Got a heap on tonight packaging goods for sale and packing my case So when I get back ill sort you some measurements.
  3. Me too Danny. It'll be the only bumper like it after every Tom dick and Harry decided they want a chargespeed Andy its for aerodynamics
  4. Yup, but thanks Kyle for keeping a lookout Adrian I'll send the payment either later for the purchase or tomorrow. Bit hectic with packaging my own for sale bits
  5. Some special modifications are in progress..... Edit fixed pic
  6. I'm here...... Birmingham and Chiswick It's process requiring wet and dry, a drill or dremel but for me I also use a bench polisher, which is how I get the best results. Haydn, that's probably a fair idea. Worth a shot.
  7. :thumbs: Or anodised at £170 delivered from Mr Wasso http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/71728-fsbatch2-custom-anodised-plenum-spacers-170/
  8. I've searched high and low to find the best solution. From lacquer, to oven cleaner, to wax. So currently the "BEST" current process is to wax the plenum. Sounds as though it's not gonna work..... For best results use a Carnauba based hard wax. Apply on the plenum, leave to set as you would the car paint. Remove, then re-apply 24 hours later and remove. The coating will keep the plenum looking slick and clean for longer. It will need to be topped up with Wax probably every couple of months. Cleaning is as simple as speed detailer. NEVER Wax or Speed Detail whilst the plenum is hot or warm. It needs to be cold.
  9. Oh and the effect seen on the original plenum is called Oxidisation.
  10. That top pic isn't chromed it is polished. I can still see areas which as I know are hard to reach and polish effectively. I'm a bit stacked at the mo for polishing. I've got two I'm working on now. To do the plenum properly you need 20+ hours. Anything less than that is half a job. Personaly metal polish such as Megs or Autosol are naff for this process. They actually cloud the finish. Here's the last one I finished.
  11. Okay I think you're going to struggle to be fair. The bolts won't be too much of an issue as you can get these per the size you require. The only problem bolt will be the strut bar. This needs to be a fine pitch 1.25 - which unless you have them available to you, you'll need them to be made, as I had a complete nightmare trying to get hold of them in the UK and had to source them from Germany. The strut spacers again, shouldn't be an issue as this can be made custom from some aluminum. Next you have the Nylon spacers in the centre of the plenum. These are custom made for me, of which aren't cheap, especially with the small volumes that I do. Me personally for the hassle of trying to get this to work, I'd throw it away if it didn't come with the necessary parts. Your main serious problem is the Nylon spacers.
  12. Cams would make an improvement over that. I was reading last night a guy in America who's pushing 370-380. If you've got the cash to flash, anything is possible.
  13. I propper laughed at that Jim. Dot it Chris make these and we shall all buy one and post vids!!
  14. It wouldn't be Dave as works in PVC!! I could help with Turning, CNC, Laser Cutting and anodising but not rubber I don't think. TARMAC Condoms FTW!!
  15. That was pretty good to be fair. Annoying but a bit of nail varnish will fix that. Supplied by the Mrs of course.
  16. Wash your mouth out with oil young man!!
  17. Cos you didn't do it nice, you know the penalty
  18. It took me ten minutes trying to work out where the "click" was for the mouse
  19. You can see it from the side No such thing of "can't afford it" when it comes to Zeditus.
  20. That's a fair point there me lad. Maybe some spam has been deleted?
  21. Well done..... I actually use that Motto in the office now To my Mrs I just say "Do it terrible so that we can do it twice" :lol:
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