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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Thanks EVERYONE for all the complimentary posts, I'm surprised the custom rear has fallen so positive, I was wondering how it would all pan out, and glad my ideas have been welcomed. I was pretty much forced to take the route I have, mainly because the exhaust dictated what we had to build around. Although I'm very pleased with the results. It looks different and that's exactly what I wanted. The CS bumper was always a winner, but with such a bold move, I had a fear it would be ruined. Although Taras has done a great job. As Graham said, it's been a bit painful over the past year or so, with issues and distressing circumstances, but there's always light at the end of the tunnel. i now know exactly how Madmarky must have felt in the early days. So as everyone has been talking 19's, I thought I'd have a check to see if they've been released yet. I checked about 3 weeks ago and prices still hadn't been announced, well they've now been released!! When viewing the Yen values against the rims, i noticed straight away these aren't going to be cheap. Rears 10.5 £638 and the fronts 9.5 £625, so it's going to cost I'd say including customs, shipping and tyres probably well over £3,500 - so it's a great big investment. Get the wrong wheels and it could go so horribly wrong, and that's what I want to avoid. Here's the rims also now included are two other colours. Light Silver and Crystal White..... there's almost zero pics of the Crystal White on the web, but looking at the finish they look dead smart, but it's going to be far too out of my design plans. Light Silver is a possible but I wanted to darken the rims..... so it's the Prism Dark Silver (The first one in the pic)
  2. Person at the front will be fine, its all the others that'll be affected.
  3. Okay the light has improved in the carpark.....
  4. We didn't get back till 8pm and headed out for dinner. Nice bangers and mash £6 at the local pub. Jayne goes back today Party tonight
  5. In a way yes because it made me want an immediate refresh. Its been costly but worth it in the end. Really!!! Not acceptable - see Clown for advice Dark carpark, no decent light and an iPhone. Not the best recipe for underground photography. I'll see about getting some pics up tomorrow unless Taras gets them up before.
  6. I said WHEELS, not bike stabilisers (plastic helping wheels). 19" onwards All in good time. The VOLK G27 as you know haven't been released yet. So until they're released there's not much I can do. Sorry it was the best I could do with the iPhone. Taras..... PICS!!!
  7. Protecting my interest and space awareness, so in other words DON'T PARK NEXT TO MY CAR!! Not sure if you can see them Ady but they're on all 4 corners. And my Zorst was still there, so the police can rest. I'll get some nice pics up at the weekend if I can.
  8. Okay not the best of pictures but something until Taras posts his up. Happy as a larry with the results. The Zorst looks great now that you can see it. Front end is perfect and the custom rear has come out a treat. I'll miss the diffuser but I had no choice. Awaiting pics Taras!! Thanks guys for doing a grand job.
  9. Still got your mob number so you won't be far away Do you work on cheap French tarts? It has been known. Let me know what you fancy and we can schedule something in.
  10. Nostalgia....after I detailed her..... Much love..... Sorry Dave this will make you sad and weep more into your beer. I was very tempted myself to purchase your car but just couldn't meet the price tag. All the best mate and enjoy the memories.
  11. Mate you're more than welcome along with Kate. I just shown Jayne your full story...... She said "what a shame". She's gutted. Glad you loved the work I provided. Your car was a gem to work on, and I mean that.
  12. Dave I'm mad with you, god damn mad. Now with the cash you now have go and get a 70! Don't dissapear because you've got some good friends on here. I didn't post because I didn't want you to sell. You will be missed in Wales like you were this year, so to save the pain get a 70. But as you wanted to sell I appreciate that, so all the best to you.
  13. That 70 needs to go on a diet it looks fat! 50's foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever!!!
  14. Speaking of polished engine bays, I may need a chat at some point as that's coming up on the Zeditus list... No worries H, just give me a shout anytime
  15. Ash - I'll drop you my PayPal account for those donations Papa - Phase 1 was to get the car to this level, it just used versions 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, along the way Haydn - Arts were the plan but riding oem cats at the mo. I want the bonnet bulge plus vents for me, but as I'm currently polished I'll need some sort of rain/water protection beneath the vents. It will purely be for aesthetic reasons. I'm now going to go for a LS3 as recommended by Bizz, it just makes more sense to go that route.
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