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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. Or even go as far as leave the country
  2. Reversed into a flint wall in Cornwall after only passing my test a few weeks previous. I was in my dads Van, so I wasn't used to the length of the vehicle. Although during that same week in Cornwall I managed to crash into the back of another car whilst entering the junction of a roundabout. Dad wasn't too pleased when I brought the van back with a few dents and bruises. I think about 2 months later I then decided to drive the side of his van into a wall (cutting the corner too tight). It was only a 2mph thing whilst maneuvering out of a tight lane. But again dad still wasn't very happy that I was in the processing of wrecking his Van!!
  3. Yup the groooovy gang Driving in this morning and see the badge of an Infinity in my mirror. Larger than a normal 35 so I of course worked out it was a 37 coupe. He wanted to have a little play so a short shift down and off we go. Pulled over as there was stationary traffic and pulled down is window "THAT sounds luuuuuuuuurvly" teeth: teeth: teeth: teeth: teeth: teeth: I think he was talking about my Yaaaaaaaaaaarp! Then proceeded to discuss cars and that he had a 370 previously. Put a smile on my face this morning.
  4. Ha ha bit of Yaaaaaarp has never hurt anyone. The Midlands Big One would of course happen the midlands Mark, not Wales. It would be a it double Dutch to have it in Wales. Because of work commitments in London I've had Zero time to organise anything. On top of that I'm moving over the next three weeks away from the Brum area so I'll be relocating my services. This was another reason to get Ian in the gang to takeover once I've moved. I'll probably do a Oxfordshire meet in November as a BBQ come firework display and a drive in the Cotswolds. My new journey to work will keep me and Suzi happy.
  5. Go for the first one. Better re-sale. The second one is a pile of tat. He doesn't even know which car he owns, marking as 2009 model yet 2003. Oh and no way does it have 330bhp. So he's a dreamer. Knock 2k off and it may be at fair price.
  6. Shortest gear changes I've seen in any box! That's how Darren-B drives!!
  7. Evo or Scooby only advised for that road.
  8. Wasso


    Ha ha wicked. (Need to sort your signatures its like an elephant sat on your car - if you want me to make you a sig send me a link to some pics and I'll make you one)
  9. Wasso


    Try being stopped by the German police whilst cruising what I thought was an Autobahn. They were doing a big traffic police ops thing. Minibuses full of coppers, huge layby full of cops. Asked to pull over and open the hood. Asked a millions questions about the power, top speed, where I've been, and when I said Nurburgring they called over other officers to inspect my car. Checked our passports and sent is off on our way. Very odd!!
  10. You would so enjoy your commute to work EVERY DAY. In fact I'd go home for lunch just for good measure. In just off to sell my ski equipment and buy some ice tyres for the Zed
  11. Your Plenum is just crying out to be polished
  12. What on earth would ever make you think that? There's always hope!
  13. Similar colour.....................
  14. Why not check your service book? Its all in there.
  15. We could always go back and find out
  16. Had a great Yaaaaaarp this morning on the Motorway. Its fantastic for intimidating other drivers in your lane...... (4 miles ahead of you :lol )
  17. Ha ha glad you got home okay Darren, that's one hell of a journey, especially with the full on Elan thrash. I'm sure SMD wasn't that bad
  18. Happy Burfday Andy any fudge brownies made for your special day??
  19. YAAAAAAAAAAAARP!! Okay I have tinnitus...... Llangollen has tinnitus........ And appologies to all during the trip. Paaaaaaarp! (Oh sorry that was late night smurf burps) Mental weekend. You missed out on the Elan Mr G, it was fecking epic. Both me and Will were shattered but managed to find some energy to do a solid 40+ mins of hardcore pedal to the metal. We all were fecked at the end of it and still had a huge journey home and Adrian and Darren and Dave are still going....
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