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Everything posted by Wasso

  1. I think I've got 3 blue, 2 orange and maybe one red as I'm sure I've it sold one red recently. I'll have to check. I'm putting an order in with the anodisers so if there's a colour you require just let me know and it can be done. Yes more next year, and yes again £170 delivered to mainland UK. Its a little extra outside of this. Send me a PM if you're interested and/or want any specific colours.
  2. Cheers Will, apologies I've not replied to your PM its all been a bit hectic at the minute. Didn't leave work till 8:30 (another 12hrs). Will reply from work its easier than doing a load of typing on an iPhone. lol I'll also pop up replies to comments above at the same time
  3. Hello stranger I'll second that - good evening!! Nah don't like Yellow Will. Reminds me of lemon curd. Wouldn't say no to a Cayman R though.
  4. Indian - Cafe Simla on the A5 after leaving the M42 and heading towards Nuneaton. Always loved that place. Best Indian I've ever had, service is impeccable, price doesn't match the level of service so a triple bonus. Excellent atmosphere.
  5. The triple pod gauges face the other way being left hooker
  6. Nicely shot video and nice music. I was hoping for more boob action to be fair, but hey you can't have it all. The pro driver made me laugh, he looked like a builder type who like lots of beer and plays darts
  7. Ha ha t'was a deal huh. I was gobsmacked!! I think I'll get them to fit my Yaaaaaaaarp sound enhancer! ADRIAAAAAAAAN!!!! The wheels will take some getting used to, as I've had my Rays for 4 years, kind got to love them in their own way. Glad I've gone 19's as it does make a difference. We shall see how the handling goes on the way home. (Well my 1 mile journey to the hotel) might make a sneaky detour.
  8. Cheers matey, the biggest problem I have now whilst living in the country is the amount fo mud on the roads, flooding and leaves. So my journey to work is littered with dirt. Plan A - is to take her off the road over winter and purchase a 4x4 for when the snow comes. The amount of people that have said "get prepared to be snowed in, it happens a lot here" GREAT!!! Cheers - I didn't want to go against the grain of my current setup All sorted now thanks and you have been a legend of service and customer service. Patience is a virtue my friend, already sourced, but I don't think I'll have these on for very long as I'm going to chuck winter tyres on the 18's. So the nuts may as well stay for the short term where the new ones will go on after winter. Anyway news update. Just picked her up, where I took my slim card along to pay for the bill. OMG!! I'm expecting the following: Tyres £1,250 Alignment £200 (major adjustment) 2 Hrs for removing old toe bush and replacing with new SPL bits So lets call that £1,600 as a round figure. Read...... Here it comes...... £1,150.00 :clap: Bargain basement deal of the century. He said we won't charge you for today as it wasn't your fault the bolt snapped. I said yeah, but it wasn't your fault either?! Either way I slipped the mechanic £30 for a few beers. I'll be going back that's for sure. That is all for today.
  9. Well, yesterday didn't go as well as expected. The car went in yesterday as above, but received a phone call mid day with a "problem". Mr Wasso, I'm afraid your nearside Toe Adjustment Bolt has sheered off!! Okay we're talking Eibach here, and was only fitted less than 18 months ago. Not pleased and now speaking to our South East Emergency service (Darren-. There's a chance Adrian (Octet) has a bolt, but it turns out because the bolt has no hex, it'll need to be drilled out. This could potentially make a mess of the bush, and so a full replacement is required. To note, Adrian was prepared to deliver the bolt down to me in Chiswick taking time out of his day to do so "Mr Wasso, I'm afraid there's a 4-6 week waiting time for a new bush and bolt from Nissan Japan" So on the phone and by mail to various people, where I managed to score a huge success with Ewen at Clark Motorsport. Not only does he have the replacement bolt, but also holds the SPL line of bushes, which I have already on my car elsewhere on the suspension. So at 4pm yesterday Ewen has taken my order, sorted out the parts and they're winging their way down south. Here's a pic of the bolt with no hex So now I've got the problem of heading home 85 miles, so an emergency call to a local car hire company where I'm given a god awful Vauxhall Astra (a little tip here, don't buy one, they're crap). So my car was now resting overnight securely in their garage. So this morning I've tracked the packages and both have now arrived and the mechanic is beavering away as we speak to get the bush and bolts replaced and finally the alignment. This could have been a very different story, but if it wasn't for Ewen rising to the occasion with such short notice I'd be without a car for days. So I praise you highly on providing such an EPIC service. So that's the eventful news out the way and onto the pleasure part....... Herewith the LMGT4's powdercoated Anthracite with MPSS 2's. Please excuse my filthy car, all due to the recent crap weather!!! I'm now just waiting on my Motordyne V3 ART Pipes ready to Yaaaaaaaarp just that little bit more.
  10. Wasso

    Plenum spacer

    Exactly, it was the Motordyne one. To be fair I was really surprised at how it's made, I spent nearly 6 months researching into the manufacture and stumbled across a number of issues with it. It was made on a budget, but sold for gold. Don't get me wrong it serves it's purpose well, but as I've seen with a few second hand ones on here, they fall apart. They are also made of two aluminium parts which are dovetailed together. These joints can become weak, where as mine is made at full cost and is one singular piece of aluminium. This leaves no room from breaking in half (whilst in transit for instance) or potential air loss through the gaps. The same applies to the gasket they use, it's of two parts. They also leave the laser cut edge raw and anodise it white. Over time they collect a heck load of dirt and grime, and frankly this was the main reason for getting rid of mine. It looked awful and so my first design point was colour and finish. The finish is smooth so easy to clean, the colour for the bling factor. Everything is else is pretty much the same, but then bolts are bolts and the nylon spacers within the plenum are technically the same item. Added bonus they're actually cheaper than Motordyne, which is what I wanted to achieve.
  11. I've got one, but in the garage, wouldn't be able to send it till next week though. I also couldn't guarantee if it would allow you to pass as I had a few issues with emissions, but not placed on the cat itself. It looks in A1 condition apart from being sooted up. Even with oem cats I had issues, so it's probably my car lol
  12. Have a chat with "CalZed" he's wicked with photoshop and could probably design you something in 3 seconds flat. That's his forum name btw and tell him I sent you.
  13. Wasso

    Plenum spacer

    True, but depending on whether you want it to last is another question. I sold my plenum spacer, because the gasket breaks down falls apart and the bonding agent falls apart. In principle yes they are all the same, and if your not fussed about bling then get hold of a good condition second hand one.
  14. That is top draw! Brilliant, I'd be so up for meeting up a (watching) drift day, I wouldn't stand a chance at holding a drift Congrats to Ian and the forum. CLASS!
  15. I've done 56k in 4 years. Currently doing around 500 a week now. Shell love me I tell you.
  16. Well it's taken my 3 years to get my act together and get some 19's. I recently purchased Darren's old set, where they've been powdercoated Anthracite. MPSS 2's are being fitted along with a full geo setup. So she's at the garage as we speak and I'll drop some photo's up later. Quite looking forward to the change......
  17. Harry I'm not even gonna tempt making my nose and ear bleed as its bound to be dog do do
  18. Put your fingers in the OBD socket, works for me Oh and
  19. Ian, you are so lucky to have only just "discovered" this !! LUCKY! I really don't count myself lucky in any form. I'd rather set myself on fire than to have heard that song for more than 2 seconds. Thing is I stupidly listened for 2 mins in the hope it might improve, but oh no it's just got worse. I feel musically tortured!!
  20. What the mother of god was that sh1t. My ears are actually bleeding! Needs to be burnt with FIRE!!!!
  21. I've not heard it and made me Edit - Probably cos I'm not as old as Colin or Mr Smurf
  22. I was going to say the replaced parts look somewhat upside down??
  23. Wasso


    They are the same for facelift and pre.
  24. @*!# mate that don't look nice. Was it a women? It isn't the girl you're dating is it? Hope you get it fixed without too much pain and I know how you're feeling. Its heart wrenching!!
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