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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. So, I have litterally spent hours over teh past few days trawling the net looking for wheels. And tbh, I aint found ANY that I like, or that I think will look good on the Zed. Well, thast not strictly true, I've found 18"'s I like, but I want 19". So I leave this open to you guys to offer me help! And anyone who is good at photoshop can maybe do a job showing me what they would look like on my car. (I dont ask much do I!) Only want to pay circa £1000 ish though for all 4, so no £1200 a corner please....I dont have that kinda cash. Oh, also, my Rays will be going up for sale once I decide on what wheels Im going for. So if you want to register interest then PM me with sensible offers! Cheers as always guys. Al
  2. Lexx


    That reminds me...must book my holiday tonight! Have a good one
  3. I live by the sea....full of sh!te-hawks. Luckily its just the grass thats the issue today though. Ive rinsed the car off, and dried it again. No lasting ill effects. However I bet its covered in bird muck and dead bugs by the time I get to ESR tomorrow!
  4. 'fraid not! Camera is in pieces after a minor incident involving Stella, spiral staircase, and a hard floor...
  5. I was woken at some horrid time this morning by the binmen, and realised it was a dry day for a change! So, at 8.30 there I am, flaying out the hose, and rooting through the car cleaning products in the garage. Since it's nice, and Le Mans is coming up, I figured Id give the full works. Rinsed, washed with NXT dried Megs step 1 Megs step 2 Megs NXT tech wax. Results are great, looks fantasic! However, 5 mins after I have packed everythign away the council send around there damned lawnmowers to trim the communial grass! My car is now flipping covered in green!!!! Now where did I put that shotgun....
  6. Just been outside, and can confirm MY07 cars (well, mine at least) with the DVD covers ALL of Europe.
  7. I was under the impression that the Euro maps where already on it.... Or that could just be ont he DVD in MY07 cars.
  8. Lexx


    thats icky!
  9. There is alot of good info in the 350z wiki (click link up there ^ ) about the pro's and cons of each. remember that if you start pushing 400bhp you're gunna need new internals which will cost LOTS!
  10. Lexx

    New Zed

    Welcome! get used to the smile bud, I dont think it ever leaves!
  11. Lexx

    wonky radio

    Impact engineering! All the best engineers use it!
  12. Thought I'd resurect this since its getting close now! So who is going then? Might see some of you around. Al
  13. I did wave!.... But I'd already gone past you by then!
  14. Happy Birthday Martin! I may see you at Phils tomorrow to say it in person. Al
  15. I did a trip on an anchor cranker when I was gadget. Quite enjoyed it actually. Maersk got shot of the drink in 2003. Total ban. To th epoint where you can be breathalised when coming back form up the road.
  16. Thought you were made of sterner stuff, the borg must be going soft Get out for an hours walk, it will sort you oot It's the 3 months the Borg dont let us drink for that does it! Damned prohibition!
  17. Dammit! Best mate says to me yesterday, "shall we go to the pub quiz tonight? It's bank holiday and I dont need to be in work tomorrow" Great idea I thought, we'll suck at the quiz, but it'll be good to catch up with a few people. I wont drink too much though, since I have a date on Monday. Best intentions and all that....I dont rememebr getting in. Only that it was sometime after 3am. And now I feel like death itself, and need to bring myself into the living in the next 4 hours ready to meet the date Friends! Who needs them!
  18. I got a full set of Rays fitted to the car at the moment. Depending on how funds look at the end of this month, I may be investing in some new alloys. If you aint had any joy over the next few weeks then PM me and we'll see if somethign can be worked out. Al
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