I think I must have seriously upset someone recently, as karma is gettins its own back this week!
Just been pulled over by the local county car.
Pulled into a near carpark, and got out the car. Copper did a check on my car over the radio, then turned to me.
Conversation goes like this
"Whats the speed limit on that road?"
"and what where you doing?"
"No, I'll tell you what you were doing. You were doing 55" (this isnt possible as I had already spotted him in the petrol station and was only at 45mph as I'd had to accelerate off the roundabout to get outta the way of someone pulling out on me)
"theres only one person in this town allowed to speed son. And that is me" (Im not kidding, those where his words!)
"the reason you came to my attention is the sound of your car. Its sounds like a Tornado jet taking off. And I was in the RAF and I should know. A tornado is loud, but that is louder. (you cant make this @*!# up)
And I can pull you for anything. I'll pull you for havin ga loud stereo, or a loud exhaust."
Im of course just nodding in agreement.
He then goes on to tell me that the courts love him and hate me. And to keep it down and sort out the volume of my car!
I mean! WTF!!
Did he just fancy pulling me, and tell me any old sh!t?
Where can I go to get the volume of my car checked and recorded so that next time I get pulled by him (he'll be looking for me now), I can produce a certifcate showing the volume.
What is the max volume btw?
Im off to wrap myself in cotton wool for the rest of the week.