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  1. The MAFS are hitachi but the o2 is non genuine eBay special. This sensor is on the other bank and they both give near enough the same readings.
  2. Yeah it had been tuned. During my process of elimination the tune has been removed & the fault is still here so it couldn’t have been the tune causing the issue.
  3. Hello all, my HR 350z is giving me all sorts of issues. The current issue being P0171 (Bank 1 too lean). The car has been smoke tested and there are no leaks so its a fueling issue or faulty sensor/reading. The car idles perfectly when hot or cold. If the light is reset and the car is cold it drives fine until it warms up (10/15 mins in) then it gets really juddery and starts missing badly. The misses can be heard at idle, it almost sounds like its been tuned to have overrun. The MAF sensors are new and so are the O2 sensors in the Cats. I am running a Decat. Any suggestions welcome. Thank you in advance
  4. Near Brighton mate H dev and Abbey are only a couple hours from me so that’s where I’d go. I’ve learnt my lesson I guess, the local guy wasn’t any cheaper!!
  5. Hello, is it possible to get a remap without using one of the above 3rd party licenses. I had my 350z HR tuned/ mapped by a reputable garage that mainly does BMWs and VAGs after getting decats. Ever since I have had warning light after warning light and the car just doesn’t feel right. I brought up my concerns with the tuner and they make a custom map using bflash & kess. I didn’t know if this was possible without a piggyback ECU or paying a third party to unlock it. Can anyone shed some light ? Should I get the map wiped and take it to an uprev place ? Any suggestions/ help is really appreciated. Thank you
  6. Did you ever find out what it was 🤣
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