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Everything posted by Vq.zzx

  1. Yes sir where did you find that at
  2. I don’t want to change it the shop forget to put it in so I’m trying to get a understanding of how to put it in so that why I can get the motor started for the first time
  3. How would you go about putting it in and can I run the engine with out it in case I need it take it to a shop i know it dumb to ask as if probably helps hold the oil pressure
  4. Mmm interesting man I wish there was a video on how to change it
  5. Now is that from the inside or outside also I read it wrong sorry about that thank youuu
  6. It’s not in the oil cooler the one Vq that have them in the oil cooler are 2009-up the problem is that i don’t know if I’m supposed to remove the wholee upper oil pan to be able to if it in the upper oil pan where it belongs
  7. This is the oil pressure relief valve if need I can take a pic of where it goes
  8. Hello im having a bit of a problem i had gotten my engine rebuild but the shop forget to put the new oil pressure release valve in the upper oil pan does anyone know how to get it in the upper oil pan
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