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  1. A question on removing it, the Torqen page says of the rear floor assembly 'This the panel that the member stays bolt on to.' I've brought replacement Rear Suspension Member Stay Brackets can these still be used and bolted to the car
  2. its disposing of the rear one that's the problem, 2 garages have failed it on that piece so I'd need to a convince them its not structural before asking them to remove it. Are there any technical drawings I could refer them to? and if it is just ripped out rather than removed properly, then i'd imagine it won't be a very clean job and there will be remnants of its that could be failed in the future. In terms of repair sell/ scrap, thats the question isn't it. It feel like repairing is going to be 1-2 grand at this point, but things can escalate. I already have £600 worth of braces/brakets to go on + i'll need the front one. And there is always the risk of overuns Its weighing up the cost of that v's the cost of selling it without an MOT compared to with an MOT.
  3. I can't do the work i live in the city don't have a drive way or garage and I'm in the middle of home renovation so I've got enough on my plate. 2 garages have now failed the car on the rear portion. If it doesn't get fixed then I'll be going through this every year. I don't think there are any 350z specialists near me (Brighton).
  4. Got it up on a ramp with my old garage. Head light leveller was disconnected so that should be simple. Front subframe isn't the engine one. Failed points highlighted in yellow chalk. The reason for failing the rear is I think the board assembly rear floor? First picture, yellow chalk shows where it failed. https://www.torqen.uk/nissan/350z/suspension-steering/braces/12520-350z-nissan-oem-board-assembly-rear-floor.html The garages main concern with fixing this is that so many other rusted parts need to come out to access it, its going to take a lot of work (snapped bolts etc) and the other components may break, so I might be looking at a couple of grand in parts and labour I was going to sell next year and had ~£5k in my head (90k 03 plate), so at this point i'm thinking of trying to get a quick cheap sale in to someone who can fix it themselves as it seems borderline uneconomical to save with labour . MOT runs out on Sunday 27th so its still drivable it someone want to get it back with out a trailer.
  5. Think most of my understating issues are due to the garage outsourcing the MOT to another garage. Think they are just reading back to me what the MOT certificate states and making assumptions. 🤨
  6. garage advised me it would be the motor in the headlight thats gone. would that be the probably cause, so just get a nearside headight?
  7. Absolutely I'm going back to my old my place, they do the MOT, they don't outsource so it should all be good, they've got me through before. Also had this failure. Going to go out tonight and find a brick wall to test the lights. Not sure what they mean by rear headlamp though. The rear lights don't auto level do they? Nearside Rear Headlamp levelling device inoperative levelling device broken
  8. Garage said it was a newish regulation, can't remember his exact words but something along the lines of critical structural components have to be new. I've changed garages as I've moved to the other side of town, didn't realise when i booked the MOT that the new garage don't actually do the MOT, they send it off somewhere local, so they haven't looked at it themselves. Going to take it back to the other garage, last year they told them the W brace and kidneys would need replacing soon.
  9. My Cars failed its MOT on corroded rear and front sub frames. What am I looking at parts and labour, have been advised the parts needed to be new but they can be aftermarket. Having a problem even finding them only place i can find is ebay. I've had advisory's on the rear W brace, kidney brackets before so i know its pretty rusty underneath. Thanks for any help.
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