Hello, I am new to the forum!
I have just had my 2003 350z fitted with this Xtreme twin plate clutch kit: Product – Xtreme Performance (xtremeclutch.co.uk) (a bit overkill I know, but it was the only one available close by).
It feels really good and works excellent, but it has introduced quite a bit more noise than I thought it would, so I would like to get an opinion from some of you who have more experience with this, if it is a "normal" sound or something that is off.
It starts while accelerating from idle up to about 2500rpm where it stops, and it sounds like something (metal) rattling/vibrating/resonating from the transmission.
As it is a twin plate and lighter flywheel I expected some noise but this is making me a bit worried.
I recorded a short clip below where you can hear the sound (it sounds louder irl), you can hear it best the second time I accelerate. I believe there is another more high-pitched vibration coming from a fire extinguisher mount which you can ignore.
Clutch/transmission rattle noise 350z (youtube.com)
The shop which fitted it double and triple checked that everything was tightened as it should, I even took it back to them to check again, so I don't believe there is something wrong with the install. They noticed the noise too and believe it comes from somewhere behind the clutch (maybe transmission).
Is this something to worry about, or something I can do to eliminate the noise? What could it be?