I'm a new member. Looking forward to meeting the Club on the 20th!
1. andy James AJ07 ZZZ Paid
2. Stevenholtmufc S24 DWV Paid
3. Buster V80BSV Paid
4. Humpy - VO10UZA Paid
5. Spicknuts: D17 NGG (Paid)
6. Kayleigh - K23 XCC (paid)
7. SHEZZA - B9 MAS (paid)
8. Rhysos - R23MYR (paid)
9. Jamah_zed - EY54 XPK (Paid)
10.SW66TTT - CS Z370 (paid)
11. Terence - T26RYS (paid)
12. Steven.b - HS04SVN (paid)
13. Olly350z - N70OJW (paid)
14. Andy_Muxlow - A20MUX (paid)
15. Lisa Arnold - 07 (paid)
16. MonkeyNuts - AF05 GTZ (paid) Tracktime - 10am & 12:30pm
17. Luke Sutton - L5FXU (or NY55EN Z, not sure which plate it'll be on) -Paid
18. Paula - RO61PTU - Paid
19. Varley16 - M16VLY - Paid
20. Bunning - B11 NBJ - Paid
21. Mike GF07 XZR - Paid