Basically my question quickly is where can I get a full decent service in Essex, preferably specialised in 350 or similar cars.
The full backstory however is I had an issue where when starting my engine when warm the RPM would drop right back down and then kick back up or would fall to 0 and stall unless I tapped the throttle.
The general consensus was to clean my throttle body which I did and it seemed to help the ignition however my rpm is still low when stationary (350-500) or when coming to a stop with clutch engaged it can drop to as low as 200. It also can struggle sometimes and sound strange when starting engine warm.
Seems to not be a problem just I’ve had however there’s so many different theories and solutions out there I didn’t know where to start.
Someone said get new spark plugs so I thought meh might aswell get a service as I haven’t done it since I bought it last year in October.
If anyone else has any theories on how to sort my low idle let me know. I did do the relearn procedures after cleaning the throttle body and the engine light switched back off so I assume I did them correctly.
oh one last thing, the car seems to start better when full on fuel even if engine is warm where as if only 250 miles left on it and the engine is warm it can sound really weak starting.
sorry for the messy post but yeah all advice much appreciated