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Everything posted by Cosmic73

  1. Fired up the Z to see how bad the engine knock is and it's once it's up to temperature you can definitely hear it.
  2. Hi, IMO i would say the timing may be correct. The chain and sprocket marks are highly toleranced so they are primary interfaces for the timing. The cover relies on clearance holes to fit the bearings and is visual only. I found this Youtube clip and the guy has put his Z at TTC, however it also shows the cover & pulley marks in the same position as yours.
  3. Unfortunately I won't be in my Z, but count me in. My trustee sidekick (my 13 year old) is helping me with the rebuild this Winter, would it be ok if he came or is better owners only?
  4. Haha, no way. I'm new to these cars hence my post. I thought I was being a smart arse. I'll definitely do a bit more research before posting next time 🙂
  5. With Lotus going all electric and Nissan confirming it will be by 2030 it would be interesting to see what type of engine it will have. Will 400z stand for a normally aspirated 4L V6 or a smaller turbo'd 400bhp engine or even a 400kw electric motor?
  6. That is simply amazing, thank you sir 😍
  7. Hey everyone. I'm a newbie from Southam and recently bought this 350z as a Winter project to fix the suspected engine knocking. I've done a few engine rebuilds in the past but I'm really looking forward to this one. I suppose, first thing's first. I need a workshop manual. I've seen Haynes manuals in Ebay and was wondering if they're any good or should i just go for the proper Nissan manual?
  8. It finally arrived yesterday and it's better then i expected! Drove off the trailer into the drive and it sounded great, but i suppose knocking is more noticeable when the engine is hot. I'll create a new thread detailing how the rebuild is going,
  9. That's sounds great, I know where that is. Looking forward to meeting some of you and thanks for the invite 🙂
  10. Yeah, can't wait to get it in my garage which is all arranged for this coming Wednesday. I'll create a new topic detailing how the strip and rebuild goes over the next few months.
  11. Thanks, We've agreed a price of £2,750 so I'll arrange a trailer today and hopefully have it in my garage, ready to strip by next week. 🙂
  12. Hi, I'm Neil, 45 and live near Leamington in the Midlands. I've been a bit fan of Nissan's since working at the Sunderland plant many years ago. I enjoy working on project cars, especially engine rebuilds. My previous cars have been an xr3i, Pulsar GTIr tuned to 320bhp, R56 Copper S and last year was a focus ST. I've been after a 350z project car for ages but they never come up. Anyway, I came across this in eBay, maybe it's one of your cars. Just wondering what you think of worth now and once it's rebuilt? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-350z-2006-Revup-Minimal-rust-Needs-attention-Read-description-/186083839672?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
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