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Everything posted by Cosmic73

  1. Good luck with the project 🙂
  2. Coil packs are sealed and should prevent splash getting passed so it may be a crack in the head. When you look inside the spark plug tube, can you see any signs of a crack?
  3. So, What's top of your Christmas pressie wish list this year? Mine is a 1000 N/m impact gun 😇
  4. Cheers mate. I didn't realise there's a hidden 12mm bolt that fixes the tube flange to the housing. Got that unscrewed and the tube came straight out. I also didn't realise the PS can slide sideways out it's bracket which I've also done. No, I'm not taking the engine out, there's no room in my garage for a lift. I'm simply stripping it down from top to bottom. It's how I've rebuilt all my previous project car engines.
  5. Thanks Eddie, did you send the right link? It shows a universal can for £16, blimey that's a good price. The Mushimoto ones I saw are like £300,
  6. I know this was discussed in the past, but some of the links don't work and pics are missing. Like the post asks, I'm also looking for a good quality catch can recommendation and fitting instructions. I don't want to spend more than £150 if I can help it? Thanks, Neil
  7. Thanks for the link. The problem I've got is I don't want to pull the PS hose connector out the pump to access the hidden side bolt. I reckon by removing the coolant tube, then the heat shield, I should be able to access the bolt and suspend the PS pump out the way. I spent ages trying to pull the tube out but it just wouldn't budge. Of course I find out there's a hidden 10mm bolt underneath where it connects to the housing, doh. The wiring loom is pretty much disconnected from all its engine sensors and can lay across the windscreen,
  8. Thanks Dave, yes that breather hose won't budge and will snap the converter if I pull any harder. I'm going to just leave them connected and remove the rocker covers as a pair.
  9. Finally got to spend as few hours in the office this morning and got really stuck into the engine disassembly. I have to say I'm quite enjoying this project. The workshop manual is clear and easy to follow, the engine is a great design with plenty of room. So far I've removed the wiring harness, air collector and intake manifold. Next will be the rocker covers and timing case. The spark plug from cyl 4 has melted a bit so I'm keeping my fingers crossed it hasn't melted the piston or block because that will be a whole world of pain. In trying to take the PS pump off and there's a hidden bolt at the side of the block I just can't get to. Anyone have any tips?
  10. Ah, now i see it, They all have Nm as their primary torque, but their secondary torque (in brackets) can be inch pounds or foot pounds, Thanks for clearing that up 🙂
  11. I know they're torque settings, but why are some black on others white?
  12. Yeah, the R56 chain tensioner went through a few updates as contamination would block it's oil feed and loosen the chain. As far as i can see, there's a few you tube vids of people removing & striping down the 350Z engine and there's also the workshop manual. I know there's also one are two other members who've done but i haven't found their posts yet, but will share if i do. Anyway, here's a link to my post. There's not much in it as i've just started, but i won't be removing the engine due to garage space, I'm just starting from the top and working my way down, taking pics and documenting every stage,
  13. Hey, I've also just bought a project 2006 350z and started stripping down the engine (engine knock issue). I'm documenting mine in my rebuild post. What work are you doing to yours? Engine rebuild or body or both? Anyway, good luck either way. I also did a mini cooper s rebuild a few years back. It was the R56 engine, infamous for chain death rattle which I thought was all it needed replacing, but ended up needing a new block! Anyway, it was a cracking motor once I rebuilt it, happy days.... Neil
  14. Hey Dave, thanks for organising this. Myself and Bertie had a great time seeing some fantastic Zs and meeting you all. Can't wait to get my Z rebuilt and show it off at the next meet. 🙂 Neil
  15. In the workshop manual there's white spanner and black spanner symbols, does anyone know what the difference is?
  16. I've officially made a start, bonnet off, jacked up, oil and coolant drained, wahoo 😀
  17. Wish I knew how to edit my previous post.... After a bit of Google research I think there were 3 engine types DE, DE rev-up and HR, So am I right in thinking my 2006 is a DE rev up and that's the super expensive kit I need?
  18. Hey Coz, Could you tell me more about this 'rev-up' kit please? I'm stripping down my 2006 Z which was advertised as a rev-up, which I assumed was some form of special edition, but the HR (high rev engine) was standard. Does this mean rev-up and HR engines are different and Ill need an super expensive rebuild kit Thanks, Neil
  19. 'current owner has had car for last 13 years' I just bought a project one a few weeks back and my wife pointed out it's had 15 owners!
  20. Yes thanks Ben for your PM. Once I've stripped it down and determined how bad the wear is I'll be in touch to for the right sized parts.
  21. Thanks Paul, scary but exciting too, watch this space 😀
  22. Thanks. I've no idea of the oil but it's done 150k miles so needs a full refurb so i'll be putting new rings, bearings etc and hopefully have it galloping on all it's horses again 😀
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