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Everything posted by Cosmic73

  1. Are these the Wiseco pistons you're thinking of? https://www.z1motorsports.com/pistons-and-rods-and-crankshaft/wiseco/wiseco-vq35de-forged-pistons-p-1985.html
  2. After ordering the rings from Amayama, they've told me there's none at their supplier so that's me totally stuffed. Can anyone tell me what options I have? -Are there any rings at all that fit revup pistons? -Are there any piston/ring kits that will work in a revup block?
  3. I've used a basic foxwell nt200 for years and it's been fine. Does everything I need, reads codes, shows live data etc
  4. Thanks Luigi, the Z1 link is for non revup and when I spoke to them yesterday they had none at all. However the Amayama link is helpful and they appear to have revup rings, thanks 👍
  5. Must obviously be in excellent condition from a low mileage car. Thanks, Neil
  6. I'd love to use OEM piston rings but for the revup engine they're no longer available, anywhere. They were discontinued by Nissan years ago and I can't even find aftermarket ones anywhere, including US suppliers. IS that what everyone doing a revup rebuild does? Fit new pistons?
  7. Seriously, can no one recommend piston rings for a revup? ☹️
  8. Does everyone here order OEM engine parts, no matter what the cost or happy with quality aftermarket stuff? By aftermarket i'm talking reputable companies not dubious Ebay shops! For example; Timing chain kits range from ~£220 (FAI), to £600 (OEM) with lot's in-between. Engine rebuild kits range from ~£300 (Victor Reinz) to £430 (OEM) Head bolts range from £96 to £184 I've used FAI & Victor Reinz stuff before without any issues and I'm not upping the power, so why pay almost double for something that would make no difference? I'm sure there'll be scare stories of not ordering OEM, but head bolts for example are stated 'OEM spec' but not OEM itself so what's the point anyway, if it's not really OEM, just the same spec as OEM. Might as well as be honest and just state 'after market' I've been meaning to order stuff for weeks and haven't got the foggiest what or where to order. Any recommendations? Thanks, Neil
  9. Hey, I assume you're going to fit a new timing chain kit. If so, are you going for original Nissan OEM or aftermarket?
  10. One advantage of working for an engineering firm is that I can use the gauge lab facilities to measure my block and pistons with real hitec equipment. Considering all bores are stamped as grade 2 on the block, they've all stayed at grade 2 except cyl 6 which opened up to grade 3, however very little taper on them all. Pistons were also all grade 2 and remain grade 2 so happy days.
  11. Hi, can anyone recommend std piston rings for a vq35de? OEM are rare and expensive, I've seen Wiseco and CP ones but I believe these are only compatible with Wiseco or CP pistons? I've also seen Hastings ones on eBay for £100ish I've no idea what to get.
  12. Bad news with the crank. The big end bearing has spun and it's also bent slightly. I'm getting the mains and pin journals reground to straighten back up and fit undersized bearings.
  13. I've had a very good time in the office this evening and definitely got to the root cause of the engine knock. The main bearings don't look too bad considering they've done 140k miles. I'm keeping my fingers crossed the big end bearing that caused the knock hasn't damaged the crank. I'll find that out on Thursday! 🙂
  14. After borrowing my bosses engine lift, I finally managed to drop the block onto a dolly with mm of clearance to slide under the bumper!!
  15. Too right, especially after seeing loads of recent posts of coolant leaking into the spark plug tubes. 🙂
  16. Bit of an update, my new valve seals arrived yesterday and today I've spent rebuilding the heads. The heads passed their pressure tests and had a very light skim at Knights engineering. The valves were minging and I had them vapor blasted. Valves before; Valves after; Head now
  17. Nice pics, it looks pristine. I'll be stripping my block down over Christmas and was wondering; Did you fit new rings on the same pistons or did you need a rebore and oversized pistons? Did you get away with std main & big-end bearings on the crank?
  18. Hey Alex, it's a small world, if you're around japfest next year or other club meets you'll see it again. Just gotta pull my finger out and fix it 🙂
  19. Ah, my mobile has tiny buttons and I mistyped. I meant 300.
  20. Cheers Willsy. 400bhp is plenty enough for me so I'll be staying stock
  21. 1.andy James. 1x club ticket Tracktime 09.40 2. Andy_Muxlow. 1 x club ticket. 3. Neil mcnab (cosmic73), 1 X club ticket, 1x passenger, Tracktime 15.40 4. Tauvp, 1 x club ticket 5. Defacake (Owen), 1 x club ticket 6. Blacklist_Nismo, 1 x club ticket 7. Clacksonator, 1 x club ticket 8. Buptaboy (Rob), 1 x Club Ticket 9. H44KRS 1x club ticket Tracktime 15.40 10. Tori370z x1 club ticket 11. HEADPHONES 1x club ticket 12. Berkcan 1x club ticket Tracktime 15.40 13. daveo132 (Dave) 1x Club ticket 14. nismoandy,1 x club ticket 15. Johnathan Leverton 1x Club ticket 16. SmithRC (Russell Smith) 1x Club Ticket + 1x Passenger 17.Plan370z 1x club ticket passenger ticket x1 Tracktime 9.20 18. andymac183 1 x club ticket 19. davey_83 1 x club ticket 20. Monkey1983 ( Sam ) 1x club ticket 21. Harry2601 - 1x club ticket and Tracktime 09:00 22. Ledfut 1x club ticket 23. Chris141084 1x club ticket +1 passenger
  22. Hey Dave, you're a mind reader! That's exactly what I wanted and my wife is getting me them for Christmas 🎄🎄, Nice one 🙂
  23. Finally decided to drop the block down instead of lifting it out. By removing the roll bar (which needs powder coating anyway) I've now plenty of space to pull the block out the tranny and down. 🙂
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