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Everything posted by Cosmic73

  1. I used to work at the Nissan car plant and have always loved Nissans. I've had bluebirds, Sunnys, almeras and as a project I rebuilt pulsar GTIr and tuned it to 320hp, absolutely loved it. I almost bought this r32 GTR calsonic replica as a project a year back but he wanted £25k which i thought was a bit steep considering the engine was in bits. Still for sale as far as I'm aware.
  2. I've reordered these from the US and they're due to arrive tomorrow. Got an MOT booked Saturday so might just be able to make this on Sunday
  3. Gaskets weren't too bad actually, but the O rings between the timing housing and cover etc had turned hard as had the valve seals so I'm glad those were all replaced. Yep, no rush, nearly there..... 🙂
  4. I tried it in gear but the gearbox was winding up too much and I was scared in case I snapped a tooth. The tool will be a good investment because I'll definitely do another 350. Yep, only the coolant and electric connections really, but I'm pi**ed off I didn't get solenoid gaskets in my kit, now I'm having to wait till the middle of March till they arrive before I can fire it up 😞
  5. Tool worked a treat! Pulley all tightened up.
  6. My solenoid gaskets aren't arriving from Amayama till the middle of March so I won't be able to make this unfortunately 😞
  7. I can finally torque up the crack pulley bolt. Bought this locking tool from the US, £200, but it was delivered within 3 days!
  8. I had my fuel injectors reconditioned and they've came back with a clean bill of health. Got them fitted along with some coolant hoses etc. There's really not much more to do except, -Wait for new solenoid gaskets, -Tighten crank bolt, -Fit the air intake, -Clip up the electrical connectors
  9. Timing cover fitting went well. The half moon didn't budge at all. I nipped up the 2 internal sump bolts to compress the moon a little and the dowels lined up fine and were hammered back in
  10. You read my mind! 🙂 The dowels were in the cover not the engine but came out nice and smoothly using my vice, a 10mm socket as a dolly and small bolt. I've give everything a good clean with emery paper and the dowels will slide back into the cover with just few taps of a hammer once it's fitted.
  11. I agree, but it's all about risk and as for as the half moon is concerned, it shouldn't notice any difference as it will be where it needs to be (without it being manipulated) and then dowels will then secure it exactly in position. As far as I can see it should be ok.
  12. I never realised that, I assumed Haynes was all UK spec. Thanks for sharing 🙂
  13. Tried to fit the timing cover yesterday and it just wasn't happening. Trying to line up the dowels squeezes the rubber crescent seal out the housing. I'm going to press out the dowel pins and see if goes in any easier.
  14. You're right, I pulled it out and it released the tensioner. What confused me was it also came with a pin fitted into the small hole which I already pulled out, believing that was the release method. Obviously must have 2 release methods in this tensioner for some reason.
  15. This evening I fitted the primary chain and tensioners. Does this red clip need pulling out?
  16. This evening the secondary chains and sprockets have been fitted. Also, comparing my old primary chain against the new, there's very little wear, maybe a mm or 2, so not bad for 140k miles
  17. Cheers mate, but i'll happily take any credit once it's got a few trouble free miles under it's belt
  18. It's actually not that difficult. Yes, it's complex, but the Nissan workshop manual is excellent and very clearly laid out. So really, it's just a case of having the right tools and going through each paragraph 1 step at a time. The only difficulty was being let down by a cr#p supplier.
  19. I'm going to try and have ready for March and take it to Motorcycle museum meet, but April is just as good. Yeah, I can't wait to get it running, very excited 😊
  20. Fitted the cams this evening, next job my new OEM timing chain from Conceptua performance.
  21. Cheers Dave 🙂 I also managed to fit the heads this evening. It's really coming together.
  22. Refitted the powder coated engine support, Y brace and roll bar this morning. Looks really neat 🙂
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